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Q: Does a red fox have a greater sense of smell than other foxes?
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Does a fox have a good sense of hearing?

Yes. Their hearing is about 12 times better than a human's hearing.

What do foxes smell like?

it depends what type of fox. Red foxes(the ones that go through peoples bins)probably dont smell very nice but I have no idea what other breeds might smell of.

What is it fish smell which cats are drawn to?

Cats are drawn to the fish smell because their sense of smell is different that ours. Their sense of smell is about 15 times greater than ours. They like the fish smell because they love to eat fish.

What are the other term for the sense of smell?

Olfactory or olfaction are the terms used for referring to the sense of smell

How are foxes such good predators?

they hve a good sense of smell, hearing, fast,agile, sharp teeth, claws eyesight

Do adults have a better sense of smell than their children or other children?

No. Children have a better sense of smell.

How good is a person sense of smell?

Compared to other animals, our sense of smell is poor. A lot of animals can smell things from miles away! :)

Which sense taste or smell is highly developted in humans?

the sense of smell is more developed than taste because most of the nuance in taste actually comes from smell. you can only taste three things salt, bitter, and sweet. the rest is your sense of smell which provides a much greater variety.

Is the sense of smell more important as a protective and a food-getting sense in sheep or in humans?

The sense of smell is the same for both humans and sheep. Sheep use their sense of smell to find food and to sense other sheep around them.

What do foxes leave be hind them so the dogs know what way they went to?

Their scent. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell and can "pick it out" so they can follow the fox.

Do dogs smell fire?

Dogs are capable to smelling fire from long distances. They have a much greater sense of smell than humans and are used extensively in rescues for this reason.

How do rhinoceroses find other rhinoceroses?

they smell each other with there well developed sense of smell and there hearing is really developed