

Does a shark have more bones than a human?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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i think the answer is no

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Q: Does a shark have more bones than a human?
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The tiger shark eats more humans than the great white shark

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A cod is much more closely related to a shark than to a human.

Does a horse have more bones than a person?

No, on average, a human has more bones than a horse. An adult human has around 206 bones, while an adult horse typically has around 205 bones.

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How many bones we have?

The adult human body has 206 bones,baby's body has more than 300 bones.

Bones of the body?

The adult human has 206 bones. More than half are in the hands and feet.

What percentage of a human's bones are in its feet?

An adult human body has 206 bones. Each foot has 26 bones. That's slightly more than 25%.

Why do you think chicken bones are stronger than human bones?

Chicken bones are not stronger than the human bones because they are hollow.

How many bones do you you have in your body?

The adult human body has 206 bones, the baby's body has more than 300 bones. By: Bill Yu

How many bones are there in the skeletal system?

206 bones

how many bone do we have?

The adult human body has 206 bones,baby's body has more than 300 bones.

Which has more bones - a human or a snake?

A snake has more bones. The human skeleton has approximately 200 bones. A snake has at least 200 vertebrae and sometimes more than 400 depending on the species (ccompared with 26 in a human spin) and a similar number of pairs of ribs, giving the snake approximately 600 to 1200 bones in all.