

Does a shorter person live longer than a tall person?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Height does not affect life-expectancy.

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Q: Does a shorter person live longer than a tall person?
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How can a short person became tall?

Stand next to a shorter person! Comment if you think it's funny!

How tall is a sixth grader?

an averadge 6th grader in my school is 5.0-5.4. in some schools there might be a different height average but it usually depends on how tall your parents are if they are really tall then there might be a really tall person in your class and if they have shorter parents then you might have a shorter person in your class it all depends on that.

Do taller-people run faster than shorter people?

Yes and no. A tall person will be able to cover more distance with each step, but it will require more power as they have more to move; meaning the tall person may be better in the short-run, but they may tire quicker than the short runner. I'll say yes because the taller runner's legs are longer than the shorter runner,which cause the taller runner to take bigger steps than the shorter runner.

Why do taller people have longer wingspans than shorter people?

This means that the distance of your spread wings is longer than you are tall.

Does a tall building have a longer natural period than a short one?

A taller building will swing back and forth more slowly (or for a longer period) than a shorter one.

How tall is the smallest dwarf?

The shortest living adult is Junrey Balawing of the Philippines, at 60 cm. There were two shorter people but they are no longer living.

How tall is David Shorter?

David Shorter is 6' 1".

Do tall people shrink more or less?

Tall people tend to shrink less than shorter individuals as they age. This is because taller people have larger bones and more cartilage in between their vertebrae, which helps to maintain their height as they get older. Shorter individuals typically lose more height due to compression of their spinal discs and other factors.

Are tall people stronger?

Yes. They are naturally stronger than shorter people, unless they are anorexic. On average, tall people are stronger because longer limbs generate more leverage and have a greater range of motion.

What can you do to get shorter?

There is nothing to do to get shorter. No food or drink. How tall you are is in your genes. Right now you may feel really tall, but in 5 years you will be glad you are tall. People do get shorter as they age, but that only happens when you are 70 or 80 years old.

Was Thomas Jefferson shorter than other people?

NO...he was tall NO...he was tall

How tall can a guinea pig get?

Most adult male guinea pigs when streached out can aboutreach a foot long. But your pig could be a little longer or shorter like I said, ABOUT.