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Yes, skunks use their odor to fend off predators. Even bears are warded off by the spray of a skunk. Their only predator is the Great Horned Owl, which has no sense of smell.

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Q: Does a skunk use its odor to defend itself from predators?
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Is skunk a weasel?

Skunks belong to the weasel or Mustelidae family. Skunks spray a strong odor of liquid to defend itself from predators.

The skunk has defens itself with fluid that has a really bad what?

Odor. The scent glands can produce a foul and extremely irritating fluid that the skunk can use to defend itself. Highlight and double click on odor to get the definition.

What animal uses it's odor as a weapon?

Well a skunk does and so does a stink bug.I think think there are thousands more but lets stike with these.

The skunk defends itself with a fluid that has a really bad what?

Odor. The scent glands can produce a foul and extremely irritating fluid that the skunk can use to defend itself. Use the link provided to the Wikipedia article on the skunks primary weapon.

What are defensive adaptations of a skunk?

Defensive adaptations are the adaptations animals use to defend themselves from predators. Skunks have developed a scent gland under their tails that emits a strong, noxious odor when they feel scared or threatened.

What animals uses its odor as a defense?

A skunk uses its odor for its defense.

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By its odor that it lets off to warn others to stay away

Does skunk odor kill?


What animal has a black body with two white stripes down its back starting with the face?

This animal is called a skunk. It is a mammal with a very foul odor to prevent attack from predators. There is also the badger, a burrowing animal with long front claws that defends itself when provoked, rather than using a repellant like the skunk.

What to use to get rid of skunk odor on skin?

well this is one reason not how to get rid of skunk odor: tomato juice ( unless you want to ). you only think it works because when you smell it up close you can't smell the odor of the skunk anymore. but i think to get rid of skunk odor is to take a bath in SOAP! and LOTS of it!

Where can you get skunk odor?

Skunk quill is pure oil from a skunk farm, quite expensive, but there are artificial options as well.

What animal uses odor as its weapon?
