

Does a starfish shed

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Does a starfish shed
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What adaptations do starfish have?

a starfish can shed an arm and grow it back bye(:

What special adaptation do starfish have?

a starfish can shed an arm and grow it back bye(:

How does a starfish protects itself?

As an adaptation, starfish have saponins in their body walls, which are very unpleasant tasting to predators. Tropical species of starfish also have armor and spines as their protection. And thirdly, starfish have the ability shed and regenerate their limbs.

What special features does a starfish have to help it survive?

Some starfish can shed an arm and grow a new one later if a predator has caught an arm in its mouth.Some, but very few,can grow an entire body from a single ray.

What is a starfishes adaptation?

a starfish can shed an arm and grow it back bye(:

Why do starfish legs fall off?

Yes, most starfish can regrow an arm (also known as a ray) if it is lost. However, a single arm will not grow into a new starfish. From what I have learned, as long as a part of the central point of the sea star still attached, the starfish can completely regrow. So, it is also possible for 2 halves to grow into 2 new starfish.

What is the most common starfish?

It is the SUNFLOWER STARFISH.The sunflower starfish (Pycnopodia helianthoides) is a large predatory starfish usually with 16-24 limbs called rays. It is the largest starfish in the world. Sunflower starfish can grow to have an arm span of 1 meter (3 ft 3 in) in diameter.The color of the sunflower starfish ranges from bright orange, yellow and red to brown and sometimes to purple, with soft, velvet-textured bodies and 16-24 arms with powerful suckers. Most starfish species have a mesh-like skeleton that protects their internal organs. Easily stressed by predators such as large fish and other starfish, they can shed arms to escape, which will grow back within a few weeks. They are preyed upon by the king crab.

What types of starfish are there in New Zealand?

there are cusion starfish, reef starfish, spiny starfish and fire brick starfish in new zealand.

What types of different starfish are there What is the scientific name for a starfish?

It is called toilet water.

Is a starfish an animal plankton?

Sure, starfish larvae are planktonic. Adult starfish are not.

Do starfish die?

Yes they can

Which starfish is the biggest?

sunflower starfish