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Q: Does a state medical card pay for a vasectomy?
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Does Illinois Medical card cover a vasectomy?

My husband and I were on the medical card when he had his vasectomy. The entire procedure was covered. This was in 2005 and we had to pay a $2.00 copay. We had to find an office that would accept the medical card and we were lucky enough to find one.

Will a state medical card pay for tubal reversal in wi?

In the state of Wisconsin a medical card wouldn't pay for a tubal reversal unless a doctor says it is medical necessary. To see if the surgery is medically necessary talk with a doctor and the insurance company.

What is a medical credit card used for?

A medical credit card is used like a credit card. If a person cannot afford to pay for a procedure directly out of pocket, they can use a special medical credit card to help pay for the procedure.

Do you have to pay state taxes on medical insurance in the state of Washington?

do you have to pay taxes on medical insurance in the state of Washington

In the state of Iowa are you obligate to pay child support if the mother of your child only gets a medical card?

Yep. You owe the support to her instead of the State.

can you pay state income tax on line with credit card and mail the form ?

can you pay state income tax on line with credit card and mail the form

Does the other insurance company have to pay for all medical bills if the accident was their client's fault?

Depends on what state you are in and what your state's laws are. If you're in a no fault state, your insurance will pay for all of your medical bills no matter who is at fault.

Does one have to pay insurance on a medical marijiuana card?

A medical marijuana card is given to a patient through their medical provider. The doctor is covered under the patient's insurance as is the marijuana since it is considered a prescribed medication.

Can you pay state tax with a credit card?

Most states will accept credit card payments.

What are all the laws for having a medical marijuana card?

Depends on your specific state. Every state law is slightly different. But basically, you can only possess a certain amount of marijuana at any time, and you can grow up to however many plants for your own personal use. To get a card, you get a recommendation from a doctor and that's all you need to be able to go to dispensaries. For more info on the subject:

What is a medical marijuana card?

It is used for only people who have medical marijuana cards. The marijuana is grown commercially. This drug can be prescribed by a doctor legally. You can smoke it legally then because it is medical marijuana. But only if your doctor prescribes it.

You pay voluntary child support faithfully no court order you are not on childbirth certificate Now state wants to pursue you because your son is on medical card What happens now?

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