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No, that would be a hurricane.

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Q: Does a tornado form dangerous storm surges?
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Do super-cells form a tornado?

Yes. A supercell is the type of storm most likely to produce a tornado.

What type of storm is it if it produces enough energy to form a tornado?

In most cases the type of storm is a supercell..

How do tornadoes stop if they form on land?

How tornadoes stop is not fully understood, though it has more do do with the mechanics of the storm that produces the tornado rather than what surface with form on. The best explanation so far is that cold air from the rainy portion of either the tornado's parent storm or a nearby storm undercuts the updraft that sustains the tornado. This chokes of the supply of warm air that feeds the storm tot he point that it can no longer support a tornado.

What storm has very fast winds that form a funnel- shaped cloud?

A tornado

Is a tornado caused by a thunder storm?

Yes. All tornadoes form from thunderstorms.

What part of the storm does a tornado form in?

A tornado usually forms from a mesocyclone, which occurs in the updraft or rear portion of some thunderstorms.

What factors are needed for a tornado to form?

Initial factors needed for a tornado to form are wind shear and instability that can cause thunderstorms. For a thunderstorm to produce a tornado, it needs to be a type of rotating storm called a supercell.

Before the storm turns into a tornado what type of cloud does it form?

Before it reaches the ground, the precursor to a tornado is called a funnel cloud.

What do you call a tornadoes and a lightning storm together?

A thunderstorm that produces a tornado is called a tornadic storm. All tornadoes form from thunderstorms.

What is a reason a tornado is a severe storm?

A tornado is a form of severe weather because it develops during a thunderstorm and is capable of producing substantial damage.

What storm forms in midwestern U.S. tornado or hurricane?

Tornadoes form in the Midwest. Hurricanes can't form over land.

Why are hurricanes dangerous to coastal areas?

Hurricanes form over water and loose power when they reach land. That means that coastal areas will receive the worst winds. The biggest danger from a hurricane is usually what they call storm surges where the low pressure of the storm raises sea levels and the large waves can then move inland and destroy buildings.