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Not if the vegetables are garlic and onions.

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Q: Does a vegetarian diet help bad breath?
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Is the no cholesterol diet vegetarian?

A no cholesterol diet can be vegetarian, but it does not have to be. You can eliminate most fats and then you will be close to being on a cholesterol diet. Most poultry and fish do not have the 'bad' fat.

Does becoming a vegetarian help you grow taller?

Answer: There is some evidence that vegetarian children are actually taller than non-vegetarian children; the reasoning is that vegetarian parents are generally more attentive to proper nutrition than non vegetarian parents. However, a lousy vegetarian diet may not help anyone grow properly. The bottom line is that a well balanced diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables will help you grow optimally.Answer: There is also a such thing as "genetics". A person's diet does not dictate every happening of good, bad, or neutral in their life. Some people are short because it runs in the family and no amount of milk or vegan/vegetarian diet would have changed it.So, yes. Vegetarians grow taller.

Can you train a lion to become a vegetarian?

No. Lions by nature are carnivores. Switching a lion to a completely vegetarian diet could be bad for it's health.

Can it be bad to be a vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian is fine as long as you maintain a balanced diet. Usually the most problematic part is making sure you eat enough protein.

Does parsley help bad breath?

No but it can make your breath smell better.

Can mouthwashes help bad breath?

No they can,t because the leftovers are still in the mouth. Probobaly if used all the time! But maintaining a healthy diet and cleaning your teeth more regulary will also help! Hope this helps!

What can cause bad breath in toddler?

Help them stop smoking.

How long will you have bad breath on the Atkins diet?

As long as you continue not eating carbs, which forces your body to burn stored fats. When you run out of stored fats to burn, that seems to be the goal of the diet, and then you would slowly go back on carbs, which would then reduce the bad breath.

Ketogenic diet side effects include headaches bad breath dizziness fatigue and nausea?


What can be done to prevent bad breath?

Avoid a constant and heavy diet of very spicy foods. Brush and floss regularly. It might also help to gently brush the tongue and sides of the mouth after brushing the teeth.

Halitosis is the medical terminology for?

bad breath.

Does non vegetarian food good or bad?

Non-vegetarian food can be just as good or bad as any other food.