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Like all sharks ( like fish), whale sharks breathe through gills which extract oxygen from the water.

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12y ago

yes all living animals need oxygen it diffuses in from there gills

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Q: Does a whale shark breathe from oxygen?
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What is the difference between a shark and a whale explain please.?

A shark is a fish and a whale is a mammal. Therefor the shark has gills to get oxygen from the water and whales have to breathe air, so they come to the surface.

Are whale shark mammals?

No they are not. They are a type of shark and like other sharks 'breathe' water in through their gill slits snd filter the oxygen out of it. To be a mammal, they would need to breathe air and nurse their young.

Is a shark a mammal and why?

No a shark is not a mammal. It isn't a mammal because it filters water through it's gill slits then oxygen is filtered from the water. To be a mammal an animal has to directly breath oxygen into the lungs.

Is a shrk a fish or a mammal?

You are right, it is a FISH. A shark breathes through their gills like any other fish do. Shark is different from the Whale. Whales are large, magnificent, intelligent, aquatic mammals. They breathe air through blowhole(s) into lungs . I suggest that the whale shark is the cause of confusion. Don't get confused with a whale shark to think shark as a mammal because of the "whale" in its name. Whale shark is just a kind of shark considered as the biggest shark and the biggest fish. It is NOT a whale. You have to differentiate and specify 'Whale Shark' from a 'Whale'. Don't get confused if you see "Whale" before the 'Shark' ('Whale Shark').You see, you have to be careful when the name "whale is attached to the name." Just like the "Killer Whales" and "Pilot Whales", there is the name whale attached to their names yet they are not whales but dolphins but they are also mammals. Anyway just bear in mind that 'Whale Shark' is a fish and all the rest of combined names bearing 'whale' are mammals- either a real whale or dolphins. (Examples: Blue Whale, Killer Whale, Pilot Whale, Humpback Whale, etc.)♥

Why does a shark is able to stay underwater for a long time but a whale cannot?

Sharks and whales have completely different structures and organs. A shark is actually a fish and has gills, while a whale is a mammal and can only breathe with its lung like all mammals. Fish have gills to allow them to breathe underwater. Sharks do not need to come to the surface to breathe.

Do octopuses come to the surface to breathe?

No, they aren't a mammal like a whale or dolphin so they breathe using the oxygen in the water.

How does shark breathe in oxygen?

Like all fish, sharks extract dissolved oxygen from the water through their gills.

What does it mean when a whale shark strain?

When a whale eats a shark or a shark eats a whale

How do shark brethe?

they dont breathe they go to an under water base were there have oxygen tanks

Do whale sharks have shark or whale tails?

They have shark tails. If they have shark tails then they'd be catagorized for a shark. They are called a whale shark because their big like a whale and shark because it is a shark (tail)

What type of whale is a shark?

The Whale Shark?

How does a shark take in oxygen?

A shark has gills like a fish so that is how it breaths.