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Q: Does a white tiger breathe with gills or lungs?
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What is the way of breath for a great white shark?

The use gills to breathe.

Can white sharks only breathe underwater?

All Sharks are fish, and have to have water flowing over their gills to breathe.

How do great white sharks breathe?

Through its gills, it breathes in and filters H2O (Water) . As it cannot breathe in complete O2 (Oxygen) because it contains CO2 (Carbon Dioxide). It also requires a certain amount of H2O (Water) for its organs to filter and function.

What is method for breathing for great white shark?

Sharks breathe through their gills, just like fish.

Does a great white shark have to surface to breathe?

Great Whites - like all Sharks - use gills to filter oxygen from the water. They can't breathe air.

Can white tigers breathe under water?

No. Only fish can. No other animals have gills or means of breathing underwater. Well, except those who have oxygen tanks that is. THEN you can breathe underwater.

Who discovered fish can breathe through gills?

Yes. The gills absorb oxygen from the water. Some fish have primitive lungs and can breath air (walking catfish, lungfish). While still some other fish (beta, carp) can gulp air to augment gill breathing in oxygen depleted water.

Do great white shark have lungs?

No, like all sharks and fish they have gills.

What do Siberian White Tigers use to breathe?

They use their lungs, with air drawn in through the nostrils. And white tigers are just white bengals, not siberians.

How go white tigers breathe?

Just like every other land animal, through the lungs

How does a white-tailed eagle breathe?

pretty much like any other bird - with lungs that expand and contract.

What is the white wolf's gas exchange?

Well, wolves ( all mammals ) use their lungs. Just like humans. Where as fish use gills!