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Q: Does a yellow thing come out of the silkworms bottom?
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Where does raw silk come from?

From silkworms.

Does silkworms silk come out of there anal opening?

Yes, silkworms silk comes out of there anal opening-(there butt-hole)

How do you get boulderax in rock rockets?

At the start of the game where its got the rock monster flying. At the bottom of the page a little crystal thing will come up. Make the crystal's blue blue green yellow yellow. It worked for me

Where do silkworms originally come from?

Silkworms are from china, they live in mulberry bushes.

What does the energy that powers photosynthesis come from?

Solar....... The sun.......that big yellow thing.

Why silk has come under fire from animal rights activits?

Silk is spun by silkworms as a protective coccoon, and in order for the silk to be harvested at the right time, the silkworms must be boiled from the coccoons. They are usually eaten in areas where food is scarce, but animal rights activists believe it is unfair to kill all of the silkworms in order to obtain their meat and silk.

How do you get cool cars in redline rumble 4?

you look for tickets then look on the map in the bottom right hand corner for a yellow thing and find the building while driving around in your car. Its got a yellow circle and behind it it will sayTICKET HOUSE drive into the yellow circle and a screen will come up click on one of the events and press go then race and come first and if u keep doing it and winning it then you will get a prize each time and you'll get money and a car and you can upgrade it and stuff

What color cobalt drills can be purchased?

Cobalt drills usually come in one of two colors, solid black or black with a bright yellow bottom/battery attachment. Black and Yellow are the company's brand colors.

Do Corvettes come in yellow?

Many generations of corvettes have come in yellow.

What is habotai silk made of?

Habotai Silk is just silk made with a certain weave. Silk fibres come from the cocoons of silkworms.

Where do goldfish eggs come the mouth or the bottom?

If you mean that if they come from their mouth or their bottom, it's bottom

Why does the Swedish flag have yellow?

The theory is that during the first Swedish crusade sometime in year 1000, Erik den Helige (Erik the Holy) arrived to Finland. The first thing he saw was the yellow sun in the blue sky and that it where the yellow come from.