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Q: Does aerobic exercise make a person immune to heart and blood vessel disease?
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Related questions

What is aerobic power?

Aerobic power refers to the maximum amount of oxygen a person can take in during exercise. Aerobic power is also called aerobic capacity.

Is a fifteen minute jog aerobic exercise?

Yes, 15 minutes is enough time to be at an aerobic level of exercise, but it depends on the fitness of the person and the intensity of the run.

Does aerobic exercise suppress a person's appetite?

No way! It will boost your metabolism.

Is ping pong an aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

aerobic, because of the movement in your arms

What is present in a person's blood when he or she is immune to a disease?


Should a person with high blood cholesterol consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging?

A person with high blood cholesterol should consider participating in an aerobic exercise program such as walking or jogging. Exercise along with clean eating will help encourage a healthy lifestyle.

How does a person become immune?

A person can become immune by being vaccinatedwhich helps the body to develop long-term immunity against a disease.

What is the name for a substance which makes a person immune to a certain disease?

an antigen

Is it impossible for a person diagnosed as a sociopath to get her heart rate up to optimal in aerobic exercise?

Being diagnosed as a sociopath does not affect your heart in any way. Aerobic exercise will not affect your mental status in a negative way.

How does a vaccination protect a person from infectious diseases?

The vaccination process is intended to boost the immune system against infectious diseases and similar problems by introducing a small quantity of the disease to the immune system, so it knows what to look for and how to fight it. However, vaccination does not make you immune, so always exercise as much caution as possible in a situation in which you might be at risk of contracting an infectious disease.

What would a person with a disease that destroys their mitochondria produce during aerobic respiration?

lactic acid

What can a person do to avoid heart disease?

diet and exercise of course