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it's more likely to cause a staph infection by causing cracks in your hands(if you wash your hands) and it probably weakens your immune system if you drink it, causing staph to be capable of causing an infection, staphylococcus aureus occurs naturally on any part of your body, and shouldn't pose any risk unless your immune system is severely weakened(which is why it is common in hospitals, where almost everyone is ill in one way or another)

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Q: Does alcohol kill staph very quickly?
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Is a staph infection dangerous to humans?

Yes, very. Especially the newer "resistant" staph infections. There are some strains of staph that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Staph infections can kill and staph infections that you encounter at hospitals are typically the most difficult to treat.

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Very very quickly!!!!!

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yes dehydration can kill a person very quickly.

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How much acid does rubbing alcohol contain?

Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and ethanol alcohol (liquor) are two very different things. Both chemicals are poison, but isol alc is literally a corrosive compound that illicits no euphoric chemical reaction in the brain. Ethanol is made thru a very different process and therefore is able to produce a release of chemicals perceived to be pleasurable. Isopropyl alcohol is only useful as an astringent. If you drink it you won't get drunk & spend quite a bit of time in the ER...if you don't die.

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The chemical compound called alcohol is what makes you drunk and dizzy. The alcohol is very quickly metabolized in your body (even faster than sugar).

Why does alcohol absorb very quickly by blood?

Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.

What happens when you mix alcohol and pain killers?

The dangers are you can kill yourself... Acetaminophen + alcohol is very toxic to the liver and can do a lot of damage.

Can a half pint of alcohol kill a 12 year old?

no! but makes you very sick

What are the symptoms of staph?

large red bump that looks like a pimple, small boils, do not pick! go to the doctor and have them do a staph culture. you can aslo see pics of staph online if you google "pictures of staph". staph is very dangerous in certain strains and also contagious. if you are certain it may be staph go get the culture asap.

What is added to the ethyl alcohol for drinking purpose?

you can drink pure ethyl alcohol, but its not recomended due to the fact that it can cause liver or kidney failure. be very careful if you do, you will absorb it very readily (quickly).

Is a staph pneumonia infection contagious?

yes VERY