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It actually can work both ways. Certain bacteria are good for you but mostly they can get you sick.

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Q: Can bacteria make a person sick or better?
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Is bacteria used to make foods helpful or harmful?

Both, there are good bacteria to help make you better and there are bad bacteria to make you sick. That is where the common cold comes from.

How can bacteria travel?

Bacteria or viruses can be spread through coughing or sneezing from a sick person, shaking hands with or touching a sick person, or just hanging around a sick person too much. Bacteria can get in your nose and eyes, and cause you to be sick.

Where does all the bacteria that makes people sick come from?

Bacteria that make people sick come from different sources. A person can ingest food or a beverage that has bacteria and make them sick. One bacteria that is found in some foods is salmonella. Other sources of bacteria are contaminated swimming pools or rivers in which a person can swim in. These are called waterborne diseases. Similarly, many different diseases are caused by bacteria.

How bacteria makes you sick?

Bacteria can make you sick by entering your body and "attacking" you. In response, your body heats up in attempt to "fry" the bacteria.

Can poop make you sick if eaten?

It's loaded with bacteria. Yes, it will get you sick.

What bacteria can make you sick by eating uncooked food?

eggs cant really make u sick!!

Is the purpose of bacteria to make us sick?


Can bacteria from the kitchen garbage can make you sick?


Can bacteria in beer make you sick?

BACTERIA release harmful toxins. VIRUSES take over your cells completely and make copies of themselves! : )

Can a dog eat spoiled collard greens and not get sick?

If the greens are not too spoiled to make a person sick, the dog will probably be okay too. Overall though, feeding your dog spoiled food is a bad practice. Bacteria can make them sick too.

Why do colds make us hot?

when you get sick or colds you get hot the reason for that is your body is trying to fight off bacteria so you can feel better.

What is the correct percentage of bacteria to make you sick?

85% good bacteria 15% bad bacteria