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Yes. By definition a fruit is the mature carpel of an Angiosperm (flowering plant). There are some non-flowering plants with fleshy seed-cones which appear to be fruit (yew-"berries"), but they are not considered true "fruits".

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Q: Does all fruit come from a flower?
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What part of a flower does the fruit come out of?

its comes out from the ovary

Is a banana a flower?

Bananas are fruit, which means they have come from a flower. They are not actually flowers, however they are what is left after the flower has been pollinated and the fruit left to grow.

Do orange trees have flowers before the orange?

All fruit trees flower before they bear fruit. That is, all fruits were first a flower. It is possible to see flowers on a tree that has already produced fruit or even see flowers and fruit on the tree at the same time. However a flower precedes each fruit.

Does a mango tree flower?

Yes, actually it does. All fruits have to flower before a fruit can form, because a fruit is just a ripened ovary of a flower. I hope that answers your question.

Which part of a flower develops into a fruit?

The ovary of the flower develops into a fruit.

What fruit tree has flowers?

All fruit trees have flowers. It is the inner part of the flower, the ovary, that becomes the fruit.

Is fruit a part of a flower?

The fruit is the ripened ovary of a flower.

Do flowers or fruit form first?

Flowers come first. the flowers form first then the fruit. there is always a 'flower' end to the fruit so you can tell which end the fruit originated.

What does barb bulb and fruit have in common?

they are all parts of a flower. Blahooey.

In a flower what is the the part that develops into the fruits?

In the ovary, there are ovules. There, when it is fertilized, it becomes a fruit.

How does a flower turns into fruit?

Once the flower has been polinated, it eventually turns into a fruit. This happens in the female part of the flower.