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Of course not, that's why we have some in the stores for food.

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Q: Does all mushrooms have any drug content?
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Can you take mushrooms and then pass a urine test?

That depends on what type of drug test you are taking and what it is set to look for. Many common drug tests, that are used for pre-screening for employment, do not look for mushrooms. However, if you are suspected of being under the influence, you can be sent to a more vigorous drug test that will likely detect any and all drugs that are still in the system.

Does eating magic mushrooms affect your breast-milk?

Any drug effects your breast milk. Knock it off if you are using and breast feeding. This will effect your baby all of his/her life.

What are all the safe recreational drugs such as DMT weed and salvia?

LSD and Mushrooms are considered fairly safe, although the potential for bad trips does exist. To find honest drug information relating to just about any drug you can visit

Is there a legal use for magic mushrooms?

Unfortunately not anymore in the UK. Since 2005 and Law regarding Psilocybin containing mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms) has deemed them illegal in any form. Prior to this they could be bought legally fresh, however any preparation to the mushroom would classify it as a drug (dried mushrooms were illegal) Surprisingly Shrooms are a class A substance.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms detectable in your system?

Technically, yes, every and any drug is detectable, but the fact that hallucinogenic mushrooms have such a short period in your urine(3 days i believe) and very very few people use hallucinogenic mushrooms on a daily(or weekly) basis like other street drugs, it's not viable for drug testing labs to test for hallucinogenic mushrooms and I've never heard of anyone ever testing for them.

What is Drugs you can do while on drug testing?

A previous answerer wrote xanax, valium, mushrooms, acid. Any of these can be found with thorough testing. If you are subject to drug testing, just don't do drugs.

Are any type of mushrooms considered plants?

No, all of them are considered fungi

Is drug testing done for LSD and mushrooms?

The use of these hallucinogens can only be tested for by doing a spinal tap to drain some spinal fluid out of your spinal cord. Or by a battery of blood tests using a mass spectrometer. They are all very costly, so it is very unlikely you will ever be tested for mushrooms or any other psychedelics.

How do you get magic mushrooms to leave your system?

Psilocybe is one of the hallucinagenic chemicals found in magic mushrooms. It does not show up in any drug test. The only way to know is to do a spinal tap. To get it out of your system is to wait for the chemicals to fully metabolize and leave your system.

How do you turn magic mushrooms into LSD?

You can not, for any and all practical purposes, turn the active chemical in magic mushrooms into LSD. Beside, magic mushrooms is said to have a less jarring trip, and possessing and manufacturing drugs is illegal.

Can you get a disease from magic mushrooms?

If improperly stored, fungus can grow in magics mushrooms (mushrooms themselves are a speciece(sp?) of fungus). However, magic mushrooms themselves do not cause any diseases, any other than getting a food infection from fungi that can grow on improperly stored magic mushrooms (which can also happen to normal mushrooms or any other type of fresh food).

How long will mushrooms show up on drug tests?

About twelve hours. I am assuming you are asking about psychadelics, and most drug tests are ill-equipped to detect them anyway. Not to worry. 1 to 3 days on a urine test several weeks on a serious test. Not usally part of drug screens