

Does all spider spins web

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No not all Spiders spin webs. Tarantuals do not. And Ive heard of a spider that digs a tunnels and jumps out when its prey is heard running over the top. Not EVERY spider spins a web but MOST do. Hope it helped :)

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Q: Does all spider spins web
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no.It is called a spiderweb.Dah

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"its" is a possessive pronoun. "spin" should be "spins".

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Sort of. The Sydney Tunneling Spider spins a web inside the ground, and after it digs its hole, it spins a lid for the hole, and camoflages it. When prey comes around, it would step on the web, sendng vibrations which the spider feels, and quickly goes to the surface to paralyze its prey and suck the juices out of the prey!!! LOL, i like studying spiders.

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When a spider spins a web, some parts are sticky, and some aren't. The spider knows which lines are not sticky, so the spider can walk along these threads without being stuck while the fly is hopelessly trapped.

Why do spiders spin their web in corners?

It is most likely because of the type of spider and the type of web the spider spins. If it is a thin web, then the spider needs at least 3 corners to work. thik webs usually are spun in bushes or somewhere they can have full range to attatch a web strand to.

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it spins web which is beautiful to look at

How spiders obtain food?

The spider spins a web later a bug will land on it it gets stuck in the web and the spider goes over to it it puts a strong venom/ acid into the insect and sense it can't chew it, it sucks it up like a milkshake

How do spiders obtain food?

The spider spins a web later a bug will land on it it gets stuck in the web and the spider goes over to it it puts a strong venom/ acid into the insect and sense it can't chew it, it sucks it up like a milkshake