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I believe anodized aluminum does whereas plain aluminum does not

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Q: Does aluminum stop infrared radiation from a laser?
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What ray can Greenhouse gases can stop the transmission of?

Infrared radiation rising from the surface of the earth.

Greenhouse gases can stop the transmission of this type of ray.?

Greenhouse gases stop the transmission of infrared rays. These are the rays which carry heat away from the earth, and therefore an increase in greenhouse gases results in global warming.

Can infrared radiation be stopped by materials?

Yes, most objects that are opaque to visible light also stop IR. Water also stops IR.

Can aluminum stop neutron radiation penetration?

Aluminum is not very effective at stopping neutron radiation penetration compared to other materials like lead or concrete. Neutrons can easily pass through aluminum due to its relatively low neutron absorption and scattering properties. For effective shielding against neutron radiation, materials with high neutron absorption cross-sections such as boron or water are more suitable.

How do you stop the laser hair removal?

I coudn't get your anwer clearly. Why do you want to stop the laser hair removal?

How would you stop a laser?

To stop a laser, you would need to block its path with a material that can absorb or reflect the laser beam, such as a metal sheet or a mirror. Additionally, turning off the power source of the laser would also stop it from emitting light.

What is the procedure of what keeps things colder plastic wrap or aluminum foil?

Aluminum foil is a better insulator than plastic wrap because it reflects heat. When wrapped around an item, aluminum foil helps trap the cold air and prevent heat from entering, keeping things colder for longer. Plastic wrap is not as effective at insulating and may allow heat to transfer more easily to the item it is covering.

Explane stopping a car by lazer?

It isn't so much a laser, so much as it is an infrared signal sent to the engine's computer to tell it to stop all operation. This is used by police more and more to safely disable a fugitive's vehicle for apprehension.

Can you stop a laser beam at a certain distance?

It is difficult to physically stop a laser beam, but you can block or absorb its energy using materials such as opaque objects or laser safety goggles. The effectiveness of these methods depends on the power and wavelength of the laser. Consulting with laser safety professionals is recommended to ensure proper protection.

Does it matter if aluminum absorbers are near a Geiger-Muller detector when you have a radioactive source of beta particles?

Aluminum absorbers can shield beta particles emitted from a radioactive source, affecting the ability of the Geiger-Muller detector to detect them accurately. Placing aluminum absorbers close to the detector might reduce the number of beta particles reaching the detector, leading to a lower reading. So, the proximity of the aluminum absorbers should be considered when positioning the detector for accurate measurements.

What will stop infrared waves?

glass and other solid like materials

Do ice cubes emit infrared radiation?

No, ice emits thermal radiation. It just emits less than so called room temperature. You need to get down to absolute zero, around -273C, to stop the emission of thermal radiation, which is caused by thermal activity.