

Does amphibians shed

Updated: 12/11/2022
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11y ago

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Yes they do. How they do it is they release mucus out of their nostrils and cover their bodies with it. They they wiggle a bit and start pulling the skin towards their mouth to be consumed.

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Q: Does amphibians shed
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Amphibians are distinguished from earlier vertebrates by?

Amphibians are known for their large mouth, fleshy tongue, eyelids(they have glands that will keep their eyes moist), and their ability to shed skin. Reptiles also can shed skin seeing as to how these two phylums are close.

Do salamanders shed their skin and then die?

salamanders are AMPHIBIANS. not reptiles. even so, they do shed their skin several times during their lifetime - its more shows them as healthy and growing than close to death.

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because as all caterpillers grows bigger their skin gets tighter so they shed just like snakes, lizards,and all other amphibians but us humans we only shed on our pams and feet because every where else our skin grows with are body.

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Because (as is a trait of amphibians) they spend part of their lifetime on both land and water.

Are newts amphibians?

Yes, newts are amphibians.

Does a toad have an exoskeleton?

No. Salamanders (and their relatives the newts) are amphibians which are vertebrates. This means that they have a n internal skeleton like humans do. Some people believe that salamanders and newts have an exoskeleton but this is usually because people find shed skin in the water because salamanders and newts shed their skin like snakes do.

What are the two major groups of amphibians?

the two major group of amphibians are the tailed amphibians and the tailless amphibians

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Are there any amphibians in the Antarctica?

No , there are no amphibians there .

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Sharks are not amphibians.

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