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Alkalies can neutralize both concentrated and dilute acids, but dilute acids are 'more easily' neutralized (i.e. require a smaller amount of alkali for the same amount of acid).

It is a simple chemical reaction, the amount of alkali required to neutralize an acid can be calculated if you know how they react and the strengths of the acid and alkali.

E.g. if you use Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) to neutralize Hydrochloric acid (HCL) the reaction is:

KOH + HCL --) KCL + H2O

So one molecule of KOH neutralizes one molecule of HCL

If you have 1 molar KOH, then :

10 ml of dilute HCL (0.1 molar strength) will be neutralized by 1 ml of KOH

10 ml of a strong HCL (10 molar strength) will be neutralized by 100 ml of KOH

Hope that helps.

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1mo ago

An alkali will neutralize both concentrated and dilute acids. The key factor in neutralization is achieving a balanced pH level by combining an acid and a base in the right proportions. The concentration of the acid does not affect the ability of an alkali to neutralize it.

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What is the reaction of iron with dilute nitric acid concentrated nitric acid and very dilute nitric acid?

Iron reacts with dilute nitric acid to produce nitric oxide gas, iron(II) nitrate, and water. In concentrated nitric acid, iron reacts to form iron(III) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide gas, and water. In very dilute nitric acid, the reaction between iron and nitric acid is slow and may not be easily observable due to the low concentration of nitric acid.

Is lighter fluid an acid or alkali?

Lighter fluid is a neutral substance and is neither an acid nor an alkali. It is typically a mixture of hydrocarbons used to help ignite fires easily.

Is alkali metals can be cut simply by knife but iron cannot because of alkali metals have?

Alkali metals can be cut with a knife because they are soft and have low melting points. Iron cannot be cut easily with a knife because it is a strong and hard metal. The differences in properties between alkali metals and iron make alkali metals easier to cut with a knife.

What electronegativity is possible for an alkali meatal?

The electronegativity of alkali metals is typically low, ranging from 0.7 to 1.0 on the Pauling scale. This is due to their tendency to lose electrons easily and form positive ions.

What is sodium element family?

Sodium belongs to the alkali metal family in the periodic table. Alkali metals are highly reactive metals that easily lose their one outermost electron to form positive ions. Members of this family include lithium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium.

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Iron reacts with dilute nitric acid to produce nitric oxide gas, iron(II) nitrate, and water. In concentrated nitric acid, iron reacts to form iron(III) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide gas, and water. In very dilute nitric acid, the reaction between iron and nitric acid is slow and may not be easily observable due to the low concentration of nitric acid.

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Acids naturally present in food are safe to eat because they are typically dilute and weak. This means they are not as harsh or corrosive compared to concentrated or strong acids, making them safe for consumption in normal amounts found in food.

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