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Q: Does an osteologist know much about the human skeleton?
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How much do a forensic osteologist get paid per-year?

Forensic osteologists can earn an average salary of around $75,000 to $100,000 per year in the United States. However, salaries can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and employer.

How much does it cost to buy a medical replica of a human skeleton?


What is the difference between a gorilla skeleton a human skeleton?

Apart from the shapes of the bones, not much, because we both have the same number.

How much bones are in your bodies About 600?

There are 206 bones in the adult human skeleton.

What is the difference between a monkey skeleton and a human's skeleton?

A monkeys spine contains, much more vertebrae, than the human spine. And it curves over too. The upper lip protrudes more and the head is much bigger.

What is the difference between a human skeleton and monkey skeleton?

A monkeys spine contains, much more vertebrae, than the human spine. And it curves over too. The upper lip protrudes more and the head is much bigger.

How much does a human skelaton weigh?

The human skeleton weighs about 13% of the normal human body weight. Have a great day, cmf3225

Are girdles in the axial skeleton?

no, they are found in the appendicular skeleton

What are two characteristics of the fetal skeleton skull that differ from the adult skeleton?

The first is the fetal skull, which is much more malleable than an adult human skull, secondly it is much, much smaller than an adults'.

How much skeletons are in a human body?

Usually just the one. The skeleton refers to the entire bone structure, made up of 206 bones.

What are the differences between animal bones and human bones?

A grasshopper's skeleton is external and is called an exoskeleton. It is made of a substance called chitin and does not contain bones. A human's skeleton is internal and in an adult contains 206 bones. Besides materials, a grasshopper's is on the outside & yours is on the inside.

Much of an infant's skeleton is bone?

An infant's skeleton is actually mostly cartilage. If a fetus's skeleton was bone, childbirth would be much harder. As calcium deposits in that cartilage, it begins to convert to bone.