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cause it only involve apetite

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Q: Does anorexia affect the ability to drive a car?
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If someone had an injury that damaged the cerebellum how would that affect the persons ability to drive a car?

If someone had an injury that damaged the cerebellum it would that affect the persons ability to drive a car. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for the coordination of motor control and once its is damaged, driving might be almost impossible.

Which areas of the brain are critical to the ability to safely drive a car?

The jaggmihoff

How does a car affect daily life?

A car can provide convenience, independence, and mobility in daily life by allowing individuals to travel quickly and efficiently to work, school, errands, and social activities. It can also contribute to increased flexibility in scheduling and the ability to access more opportunities and experiences. However, owning a car can also bring expenses related to maintenance, fuel, insurance, and parking.

Why don't kids drive cars?

It is against the law for a kid to drive a car. They do not have the skill or mental ability to safely drive a car. Besides they are too short to reach the pedals and see out the window. Lots of adults can't drive either let alone kids.

Why it is risky to drive the car and bike under the age of 18 years?

Because altough people under 18 have physical ability to drive a car or bike they will not have the necessary mental attention and social attention.

Should kids be able to drive younger?

No. All ready the highest death rate in car accidents is among teen drivers. The car is a powerful tool that can kill in an instant and change the life of the driver and the people in/around the car. It requires an ability to make instant decisions and to move physically. Children do not have the experience nor physical ability to do some of the things needed to drive a car.

How do driving points affect jobs?

Some jobs require you to drive a car. And if you have a lot of points on your license plate, they won't accept you. Drive Safely

How do interest rates affect people's purchasing decisions?

High interest rates increase the cost on the ability to buy a house or a car.

Can you trade in your car without having a job?

Yes Yes, of course. Your employment or financial status will affect your ability to get a loan for another car, but if you've saved money for another car, you won't need a loan.

How do drive the car?

You can drive the car by moving!!

Do hearing problems effect the ability to drive a car?

to an extent. if someone beeps their horn and the person has hearing problems, they won't be able to hear it

Does traffic affect speed of a car?

if u are speeding and u are going 60 or 70 and they are starting to make trakfic bam there u go in a car accident