

Does anti bacteria kill sperm

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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When it's outside the human.

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Q: Does anti bacteria kill sperm
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What is the medication that can kill bacteria?

An anti bacterial medication

Drug that can kill bacteria?

Bacteria are generally killed by antibiotics which are prepared by either or bacteria or microorganisms and are specifically known as BACTERIOCIDAL

What is the difference between and antiviral drug and an antibiotic drug?

No. Antivirals work to limit the reproduction of viruses, and antibiotics work to kill bacteria. Antivirals do not kill bacteria, and antibiotics do not kill viruses.

Will perfume kill sperm?

Hello. No perfume will not kill sperm. Spermicidal jelly will kill sperm.

Which cleaning supplies kill the most bacteria?

Any anti-bacterial cleaner will work equally well, as all use the same anti-bacterial agent.

Can bacteria kill other bacteria?

Yes. If you have ever been on Anti-biodics, then you should know. The medicine you take kills all bacteria (even the good ones). You take more medicine to replace the good bacteria. This medicine is called A-biotics.

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bacteria infections are usually cleared up with anti-biotics. This could be tablets or a cream

How does bacon kill sperm?

Bacon does not kill sperm.

What is Anti- Bacterial soap?

Anti-bacterial soap contains ingredients that target and kill bacteria. It helps reduce the number of harmful bacteria on the skin and prevent infections. However, overuse of anti-bacterial soap may contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Why do you get diarrhea from anti biotic?

Because antibiotics kill bad bacteria as well as good ones. The good ones keep your stomach working.

Does aspirin kill bacteria?

No , aspirin does not kill Bacteria .

What are different between antibiotic and antiseptic?

Antibiotic: a chemical produced by microorganisms to inhibit or kill other microorganisms.Antiseptic: a chemical that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on living tissue.