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More frequently than not, dental insurance per se is not an indemnity policy; in that sense it differs from a major medical policy in the way that it functions. Instead, it pays a fixed sum for stated services by a dentist who participates in its plan.

However, in situations where, for example, reconstructive surgery is medically necessary due to an occurrence, and implants are a part of the reconstruction, a major medical policy may pay for the implants. Naturally, any payment would be subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, including deductibles and copayments.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

An increasing number of dental insurance plans are adding coverage for implants. Press releases from some of the companies announcing the coverage are available on the website of the National Association of Dental Plans in the News Section under Member News Releases. That site also has a directory of dental plans that can be searched by state. (See the related links.)

Applicable definitions that might help to determine coverage in a particular circumstance include these:

  • Implant: A support for a bridge or denture that has been surgically placed into bone
  • Bridges: Non-removable tooth replacements attached to adjoining natural teeth when one or a few teeth are missing.
  • Dentures: Removable artificial teeth in a plastic base that rests directly on the gums. A denture may be complete or partial depending on the number of missing natural teeth.

An analysis of your dental insurance contract or plan is necessary to answer the question definitively. There may be an express inclusion of implants, or an express exclusion of them; in either of those cases the answer is easier to determine than if the contract or plan relies upon the concept of "medical/dental necessity". There, reasonable minds can differ, with the countervailing argument being that an implant is cosmetic in nature. Cosmetic procedures are nearly always excluded, at least without an accompanying medical/dental procedure is "medically/dentally necessary" and that necessitates an accompanying cosmetic procedure.

If, instead of dental insurance (which is an indemnity product), you have or would be willing to purchase a discount plan, you may have a better chance of "coverage" for implants (because there is often a less strict, or no distinction between medically necessary and cosmetic procedures). I hesitate to use the word "coverage" because a discount plan does not assume risk as genuine insurance does. Instead, membership in such a plan gives a consumer access to practitioners who have agreed to extend discounts from "retail" to participants for a menu of services. Important to understand is that the consumer remains fully responsible for the payment of charges, plus the cost of membership in the plan. If you have such a plan, or are going to go this route, you also need to make sure that the selected provider continues to participate in the plan at the time that you commence services, and that the promised discount is what you receive.

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Lvl 3
βˆ™ 3y ago

Dental implants look like natural teeth, feel like natural teeth and are cared for like natural teeth with your toothbrush and toothpaste. Dr. Berzin just asks that you pay special attention to the spaces between teeth as well as the transition to the gums to keep bacteria from getting to the jawbone and causing trouble. Dr. Berzin’s preventive dental assistant will work with you to develop a personalized at-home care routine that’s right for you.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

well the average joe comes out to be aroind 5.5 inches in america. any longer is considered "Large".... around 8 inches....

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βˆ™ 10y ago

If they are elective, no.

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Regular health insurance does not typically cover dental implants. One would need to obtain a separate dental insurance for any dentistry related work.

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If I correctly understand you question the answer is many insurances will not cover this because implants are considered "Cosmetic", but you will have to check your plan.

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You can get help paying for dental implants depending on your coverage plan. Many insurance companies don't offer implants as a coverage but discount dental plans do! Make sure you have the right insurance plan that fits your needs.

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PPO dental insurance does not cover all the costs of a root canal. The usual coverage % ranges from 20 to 50% depending on your insurance. will any dental insurance cover inplant? will dental insurance cover any costs of inplants

What are the costs and benefits of dental implants?

I think dental implants are the best way to go. Most people I know don't like their dentures because they just don't seem to fit right and have to be cleaned. If you have any type of insurance for dental work it might help cover the cost.

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In most cases, dental insurance does not cover elective cosmetic treatment like Lumineers.

Are there any insurance policies that will cover dental makeovers?

Dental makeovers involve whitening, veneers, and implants to improve the look of a person's teeth. Some insurance policies will cover some if these treatments if the patient can prove that it was done for medical reasons and was not strictly cosmetic. The best way to locate an insurance policy is to contact a dentist that specializes in makeover and consult them about available policies.

I need to find a low cost or free dental implants.?

please let me know where a cheaper implant dentest is? you will not get free dental implants. You can reduce expenditure by buying proper dental insurance well in advance. where do you find implant dental coverage? I cannotfind any on the net? thank you

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Hi, i have done project on insurance, any company does not offer such insurance. you can seek medical insurance.

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Your insurance is good for any work you have done from this point forward. It does not cover work that was performed prior to having the insurance.

Does dental schools do dental implants?

Dental Implants Plumstead: Dental implants are an excellent long-term option for the replacement of one or multiple missing or failing teeth. We offer our treatment in Plumstead, Woolwich, London & nearby areas

Can i get my medical insurance to cover any dental?

It depends if it's part of your coverage. Review your policy to find out. If there is no dental coverage, ask your insurance provider or broker if you can add a dental plan to your policy or add a dental rider.