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No. It's too cold and there is no irrigation possible.

However, on some research stations, hydroponic gardening does occur, growing edibles. This follows the rules of the Antarctic Treaty.

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9y ago
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8y ago

Naturally, no food grows in Antarctica: it's too cold and 98% of the continent is covered with an ice sheet.

However, in some research stations, lettuce, tomatoes, spices and edible flowers are grown hydroponically. All such food grown must be consumed on the continent, according to the Antarctic Treaty.

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9y ago

no they can't. the weather is to cold and the ground has no nutrients.

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Q: Does any food grow in Antarctica?
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Is it possible to grow food in antarctica?

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Antarctica is harsh. It is the highest, coldest, darkest, windiest, driest and iciest continent on earth. There is no native food chain. No animal lives in Antarctica, or is native to the continent.

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No, nothing can grow in Antarctica it is to cold.

Do you any bears live in antarctica?

No. There is no food chain to support bears -- or any animal -- in Antarctica: it's too cold.

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How is Antarctica able to grow food?

There is no way that Antarctica could grow vegetation or food. All the animals that live on land in Antarctica, like Polar Bears and Penguins, are carnivores. Fish underwater eat smaller fish, and the smaller fish eat microorganisms that are impossible to see without a very powerful microscope.