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Q: Does any of the cast of big bang theory have kids in real life?
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Related questions

How did the first life forms come into being according to the big bang theory?

The big bang theory has nothing to do with the formation of life.

Does the big bang theory have tree-of-life?


How were humans created by the big bang theory?

The Big Bang theory deals with large-scale aspects, and with the early development of the Universe. The creation of life on Earth, and perhaps on other planets, is not part of the Big Bang theory.

The big bang theory and origin of the Earth?

The big bang theory deals with the formation and evolution of the Universe, it has nothing to do with the origin of life on Earth.

What is the theory in science of how life was started?

Many scientists believe that the big bang started life. The big bang was a big explosion and the galaxies began.

What is the bid bang theory?

The "big" bang theory is the theory that the earth was formed during a collision of space matter. The explosion/collision was so large that the particles in the middle generated life and formed the earth.

What is the big bang theory vs religion?

in my view there is no big bang theory vs religion, since the theory it self gives credibility to the genesis story based on GOD creating the universe and all life forms.

What is the big bang theory for kids?

A simplistic explanation of the Big Bang Theory is that it presents a secular foundation for the causation, continuation and probable termination of our universe. The universe is not static; it is always in motion and it is evolving from one moment to the next. This theory establishes a foundation for studying all matter and energy, consistent with the secular viewpoint of our observable universe.

How do you think life was created on earth?

I personally do believe in the big bang theory. That a "god" would not test his people by having them suffer.

What meaning of bio-life?

Bang bang

Is there room for evolution in the big bang theory?

The Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution (more currently, the modern evolutionary synthesis) are completely different subjects. One deals with the formation of the universe well before all known life could even exist; the other deals with how that life changed following its entry into existence. Neither excluses the other, but neither will one "include" the other since they are entirely separate ideas.

Why are living things alive?

There seems to be no purpose almost as if life is just an accident from the big bang theres also the theory that the universe and everything in it is all an illusion