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Q: Does anyone have Bella Sara code's that can be used more than once?
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What is one of the codes for Bella sara?

go on this... Go to my NEW site!: WaggyTails.Weebly.Com I have a LOT of Codes, And may add More! :)

How do you find free unused Bella sara codes?

goto youtube and type in the box emmzi7 and clickthe one with a Bella sara horse on it should then give you a website to accsess many horses and i will be adding more horses.just to warn you Bella dosent work! sorry for any inconviniance! emmzi7

More baby Bella codes?


How do you move the boulder in Rose Valley on Bella sara adventures?

I don't think you can but if you want more magical horses I found a good video on utube called 'mega Bella sara codes! (over 200?)'

I need more Bella sara code pleas?


Are there water Bella sara horse codes?

I'll Give you 4 Codes Altogether6DTSLF2GDW_Skipper or Star6F4S9ZJRPH_Moonlight or LuckyDNS49WP3CR_GraiaZJ67-J9M6-32QL_BellaUnfortuanly, You have only given 4 Codes, You said 2 Codes of Flying and 3 codes of Magical, You need to add 1 more code, which is why i have taken away what you said, and replaced it to say you are giving 4 codes.

What are some Bella Sara codes?

Sure! Type these in exactly as you see them! 4JZMKDXFKZ ZDWWPFTCKJ BAB#BAB340AL bab#adv22345 nmckqstkg5 799F6GKNMG FDH5NTZD4R

More Bella sara codes PLEASE?

i have 1,000000 i trade with you hire only 4 i give more for codes Jonathan: FDS47CXLF6 Saga: 6F3LLPHTNQ Starfighter: 6dtslf2gdw Ghost: 5x5724mscz Hey, you could also try this website, it is really good and the person that runs it is a really good trader, so ask her for some trades :)

Who is Gitte Odder Braendgaard and is she the inventor of Bella Sara?

Hey there, Gitte Odder Brændgaard (48) is the creator of Bella Sara. Bella Sara was created by a Danish social worker, Gitte Odder Braendgaard. Her son enjoyed Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering cards, but her daughters showed no interest. Braendgaard conceived Bella Sara as an alternative card-based activity for girls, with a stronger focus on imagination and self-esteem and less emphasis on competition. It has become a tremendous hit in Scandinavia since its introduction in late 2005, and the cards became available nationally in the US in early 2007. Recent coverage of Bella Sara includes this NYT article, which gives more information concerning the history of the cards. I hope you can use my answer. Regards Jonas Odder Brændgaard.

What are some virtual clubs?

Horse Isle (virtual horse world), Bella sara (another horse thing), Fantage,meewee and more

Reusable Bella sara codes?

There is almost no way to get all Bella Sara Codes. But here are some that are working.Amor: TCMCLNJ9K3AURORA: ZR9TLNSRKPDIANA: ZPD2TCHHM9FLORA: TL6ZNNXCWJAPOLLO: NHPJRJXH9DJANUS: 9GK77LRMMXEIRENE: NSHHFW9GD2ATHENA: SC4Q45PNXQNIKE: J6326MDM36URANUS: D3X7R254TFEURYNOME: M4CJL6HPZ7Bella Sara codes can only be used once so people are unable to give them to you.tpn4r93m59hcp#-9n5q-g7aphcp#-emy2-6j6thcp#-ek6k-bqedhcp#-rbe7-6kmthcp#-ryeq-9mp4hcp#-zjn3-5qasghbj86hkjihjfaajhqqgfeinuit:9ckdcqh7799dwdnfsjd7q4tp9hz94p2mhw6kg799cz2zm2xfdwqc2zzcw BF1#JOYBELLABF1#COMPUTERBF1#BLUECATSBF1#PLAYCARDBF1#NIGHTKITBF1#SHOEBABYBF1#SKIPLOGSBF1#EXPLORERBF1#HORSEFUNBF1#JUMPTINYzlr7fqnqqghcp#ek6kbqed9qrp62pmgdzdwwpftckj4jzmkdxfkzbab#bab340albab#adv223459r4fdcr3kjfdh5ntzd4r799f6gknmg6f4s9zjrphc6wqpw9qrnGPXDWWHK5Skrxjmz5drl r5qr9szrpd9R4FDCR3KJ6f3llphtnqfdwqc2zzcwj2lh46j95x72h6d63fml7pp3dc4jx7xsgnfzp36pBukefalos: ZDWWPFTCKJGraia: 4JZMKDXFKZBellissa: BAB#BAB34OALBellisimo: BAB#ADV22345Moonlight: 9R4FDCR3KJAurora: NMCKQSTKG5Demeter: WHFGT6ZLHPFlora:ZLR7FQNQQGChung: 799DSJDSX4Halloween: 799DW2WQ24Hercules: 799D2X9Q7LNanna: FDZN2X9ZNPWalter: 5X5724MSCZFriends: D7Q5Z9RL3JMandalay: D7Q5K7KCLTPink Lady: D7Q4TP9HZRVesta: 7PWNLTPGPMBellissmo: BAB#NU2HORSEAphrodite:72H6D63FMLDiana: 7PP3DC4JX7Honey: fdzn2x9znpOther codes:BAB#SNUGGLEYBAB#LADYSLPRMAF#GETFLICKBEL#-GLOW-EYESBAB#COOLBNCEBAB#FUN4FLWR BAB#U2CNDNCEBAB#LIFTALNGBAB#GOOD2EATBAB#YUMMYTRTBAB#STIRRUPSHCP#-EK6K-BQEDHCP#-RBE7-6KMTHCP#-RYEQ-9MP4HCP#-ZJN3-5QASBAB#POSTER01roy#-wall-plntroy#-frog-foldroy#-pnda-foldroy#-rose-litebab#liftalngbab#good2eatbab#yummytrtbab#stirrupsbab#snuggleyBAB#NU2HORSEBAB#POSTER02BAB#POSTER01BAB#NU2HORSEBAB#POSTER03BAB#POSTER04FDS47CXLF66F3LLPHTNQfdzmx9xj5sbel#-glow-eyestre#bagpipestre#purpdolltre#cookclokmaf#getflicktre#gemdpuppFDH5R59C5zFDH5NTZD4RDNS49QP3CR9QRP62PMGDZDWWPFTCKJ6F4S9ZJRPHZCC9M5XDMQ6HNZW3X4Q9BAB#-ADV2-2345Fdwqc2zzcwFDS47CXLF66F3LLPHTNQfdzn2x9znpbab#liftalngHere is the code for Fiona:TR7PG76R5F

Does Bella love blood more then Edward?

Bella loves Edward so much, but she might love blood more. The reason is blood is her life. It's like when you are so hungry you don't care about anything or anyone else.