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Someone giving away their account would be illegal. You have to buy a pet in order to get one.

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Q: Does anyone have buildabearville account with a furry friend and need your email address?
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Anyone have an old buildabearville account with a furry friend thast they don't want?

yeah i do, email me at i will email it you so no one can get it!

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yes anyone can make a payment on someones account if they know the account #

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I'm so sorry i can't answer them all but the first two are: the first one? on the statue on the fountain the 2nd? in the cave on the rock that says peace if you use this cheat or look at it be sure to add me as your friend i am called IsobelAllHeart33 and go on and comment: UniqueSmartEllie `s channel and say your name on buildabearville and you tube account bye!

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You can sell items on buildabearville but not furry friend items.

Does anyone have an buildabear account with a furry friend?

Yep. ashleyfootballstar p/word is princess

How can you take out your furry friend on buildabearville even if it isn't in your cub condo or gym or maxine's condo ect?

Great question! All you have to do is pull up your inventory. Next to the image of your buildabearville character is a dark blue button with a picture on it of a backpack, a bear head and some arrows. If you click on this your furry friend will come out of your back pack and walk around with you freely in buildabearville. I hope this helped you!

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No, I do not have a banned account I do not want. Sorry! And you should just make your own account. When you do, friend me: Totally Fanatic.

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tell dlyan i love him and can i be his friend i am a youtuber or just ask him for his account because my sister want to friend u and she is ur biggest fan.

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You can also make one. My friend has one if you want it but I am not sure why you want it.

Facebook question - Has anyone had someone become a confirmed friend on your account and you did not ask them nor did you accept them as a friend?

Yep. Sometimes that happens and it's really weird when it does.

Can anyone give you lvl 90plus account on runescape?

They can but it's breaking the rules. Jagex states that you can't trade or share accounts with anyone not even you brother or friend.