


Questions about the website or associated questions about Build-A-Bear workshops.

801 Questions

Is there a build a bear in Walt Whitman mall?

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Yes, there is a Build-A-Bear Workshop located in the Walt Whitman Shops mall in Huntington Station, New York.

What is a welcome pass for buildabearvill?

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A welcome pass is a pass you can get free at the actual buildabear store. In the pass there is a code that you type in at the buildabearville buildabearworkshop store ( virtual ). You will have a bear and have a cub condo.

Where are some great hiding spots for hide and seek in build a bear ville?

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click on the map on the top of screen and click coffee shop when you enter click on the cat picture where the paintings are hanging on the wall then it mite take a second then your in the top secret coffee shop every won can go here. this one is only for junior cybear guid's Click on bear university and then click on the paw where there's a wooden door then your in the junior cybearguid headquarters. go to the map at town square then click on the trampoline right next to the building and you bounce it will load and your on the roof of the building the tree house is at the enterance click on the hollow tree on the left anf finally go to the performing arts centre and click on the balcony and your backstage.

Store credit for Build-a-Bearville?

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well theres 3 easy ways...(1) buy credits at you local buildabear workshop(which are some cards, if you dont find any ask the person who works there ) (2) ask someone to give you a stuff fur stuff # with a MATCHING recipt code (3) THIS IS THE BEST CHOICE.....get a stuff fur stuff member ship card( its for free ask employe at store) and buy something (maybe cheaper than the credits card) and when you buy it the employe will ask you if you have a stuf fur stuf card and you will give it to her and the stuf fur stuf # and recipt code will be on your recipt .enter those 2 things in buildabearville and you might get credits depending how much you spent because i spent about ...i furgot but a bot 1 pair of pants and abear and ashirt and 2 paairs of shoes. but anyways i got 5 credits and about 4,000 bear bills. i hope this was usefull, not boring, and friendly tipish because MariaSassy79 will always be your friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya in buildabearville!

Where is the last hieroglyphic in the Egyptian puzzle quest on Build a Bearville?

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It's in the build a bear workshop at the white box

What is all of the stuff fur stuff number and recipt code to redeem for my bear bills?

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hi I really need a build a bear recipt code can anyone please give me one I'm begging you

cause i cant afford another build a bear clothing or bear.I really need one.(but im just editing and im not the person who made THIS!!.............OK!!!!)

How do you unblock stuff?

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it depends on what you want to unblock sorry i cant help you more than that

Can you get banned from Buildabearville?

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Asked by Aqngieallheart92

you get banned for inappropriat language, bothering someone etc. . .

someone can report you if you are bothering them. also, if someone is bothering you, you can ignore them and that person will disappear from your screen and can't whisper you or make any contact with you. personally i would advise you to ignore someone insead of reporting because they can get banned.

Is build a bear just for kids?

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I don't think so I know a friend who had her 12th birth day there.

How do you play the old build a bear ville?

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Go to the build a bear store click on the cashier and type in the secret code on your birth certificate

How do you get the paws fur nature issue on build a bearville?

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go to the libeary{libreay} then click on the book on the table if you donot have it once you have it then check the furni corner of your inventory.{the table with the book is in there click the book again}hope i helped

Where are the jewles for the dragon quest on Build-a-Bearville?

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zoom out go to island and go to map scary house yard

Build-a-Bearville emoticon of cute puppy?

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If you mean the whie one that's a REALLY old one, however very cute,I have that one. Or do you mean the black puppy with the yellow smlilie face, also cute, somewhat old.

There is another one, the pinkish/redish Jonas dog,it's pretty new but not as cute.

If you wanted a code none of the puppy emoticons have codes that I know of.

How can you perswade your parents to let you go to build a bear workshop?

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Be nice to them, don't pester them and don't scream, shout or get angry. listen to their reasons for not going, and if they seem unreasonable, don't get angry, talk calmly to them. If you get angry, they are going to be defensive and you dont have a chance to go.

How do you get on the workshop rooftop on Build-A-Bearville?

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u dont go on the workshop u go on the bearville outfitters store heres how:

go 2 townsquare u then will see a small trampoline beside the bearville outfitters u clik on it and your on the roof this is answered by abbeyallheart12829 im on BABV im on all on da time so look for me!!!!!!

Where is there a build a bear workshop in NZ?

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Sylvia park Auckland

How do you wash a Build-a-bear?

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Lucky for everyone involve teddy bears can be washed and dried. With Tied pens and color safe bleach teddy will not stay dirty long

Can you change the name on a build a bear certificate?

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I encountered this problem myself when I made a bear. I didn't realise the caps lock was on when I made its birth certificate in the Build a Bear Workshop store, so its name came out like this on-line on buildabearville: hONEY. Annoying, hey? Well, I emailed the help service on buildabearville and they changed it for me. They just ask you to tell them some information like which store you bought your bear in, the receipt code, some birth certificate information stuff, and what you want its name to REALLY be. Then they change it for you- they're bearilliant! Their email address is As long as you still have the receipt and the birth certificate and stuff, then this shouldn't be a problem.

It's a bit of a long winded and difficult way of doing it even if it's the only way and it's not your fault, so I'd try not to give it the wrong name in the future- it's just a whole lot easier. CHECK really hard next time when you make your bear to make sure you put in the name you want when you make its birth certificate, to be certain this doesn't have to happen again.

A lot of people seem to think this is actually impossible and there's no way of changing your bear's name. Well, the person before me who answered your question before I edited it said that you couldn't change it, and that once their name has been chosen it is their name for life. It isn't their fault because it certainly isn't an obvious solution to the problem- but if you see anyone else with this same question please tell them what I've told you, because it's quite depressing when you think nothing can be done about something when actually there is a perfect answer to their problem right under their nose! Try to get some good in the world, please!

Hope this helps you- it certainly helped me!

Anyone have any Build-a-Bearville credit codes?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are many codes that i know milk-rcks-2008 (you get milk carton) ngks-babv-2008 (you get an explorers hat) milk-rcks-0808 (you get a cow bell) 24t7-5347ch6g (you get a corbin bleu poster) emby-babv-2008 (you get 1000 bear bills if you want more email me at These codes have expired becuz i tried 1 yesterday and it was expired. these codes expired on Oct. 30 or the 31st i cannot remember

How do you build a trivia game?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, what I would do is start out by looking at what other people have done in the Trivia game genre. Often, the board is just colors and the card design is the most important thing. In other trivia games there is no board... you win when one team has answered a certain number of questions correctly. So, think about what you want the goal of your game to be. For instance, do you want players to answer questions in different categories to win, or do you want them to focus on one category, but solve progressively harder challenges? The goal of the game will impact the game board design. The theme of the game will also matter... I have trivia games based on law school, on psychology, and on 80s music trivia. The theme that you choose will play a part in how you describe the goal of the game. If it is law questions you can tell the players that the goal is to graduate from law school, and take them through different categories of law and different difficulty levels if you want to. If it is 80s songs... maybe they have to know trivia in different categories like Artists and Lyrics... and the goal could be to... get a music award, or escape from the 80s. :) You can have a track board layout, where the pieces go around and around landing on different colors until a certain number of questions is reached. You could have a goal board, with a start and an end, and the first person to the end wins... but you get to the end by answering questions. You could also have a level board, where people move "up" based on answering questions, and then rankings determine the winner at the end of a time limit... say, an hour.

Anyway, that was a lot to throw at you, but maybe that will help with some of the decisions you make as you design a game. :)

How do you take off your bear from the backpack in build a bear ville?

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Hi you can remove your build a bear from your back pack if you go to my stuff and you see this button on the side that shows a back pack with some arrows. Click on it and your bear is out of your back pack.

It is only available to users who have a Virtual Bear. If you are Jr. Cybear Guide, you would of had a free Virtual Bear activating your bear to walk around.

Cheats to get a tiara in build a bearville?

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You can get a tiara by buying a Bear from the Gem Of A Friend BABW Collection.

Since they are unavailable, you can only use an open friend code.

What is your Build-a-Bearville username?

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My buildabearville user name is PearlHoney45.

If you have a User name and Password you don't want anymore, email me.

My email address is: