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You don't need to isolate the biceps, you'll end up getting big arms and nothing else. you'll end up looking like all the other idiots in the chain store air conditioned gyms. stick to the main compound exercises, squats, deadlifts, benchpress and pull ups. progress to cleans and other dynamic lifts. It's what all the sprinters do, but hey who wants a body like that ;)

if you want to do a bit more on bi's do chins instead of pull ups. But those four exercises will get your whole body to grow. unless of course you want to look like an idiot with big arms but can't actually do anything.

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Q: Does anyone know a really good bicep workout routine?
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What bone is located under the bicep?

The tricept is located under the bicept.Sorry, however the tricep is just the muscle at the lower arm.The bone under the bicep is the humerus.***If you are asking this for the answer to a crossword puzzle, the correct answer is ULNA***

You can't straighten your arm after bicep workout?

You most likely overworked or improperly worked the biceps. Could have pulled them badly or you did not stretch properly causing the bicep to tighten up. Should go away in a couple days

What is a workout that will make your biceps larger?

work out Bicep curls are a good start. Look around online to get some ideas of different variations.

What is the best bicep workout for bulk?

The best bicep workout for bulk would be, the standing barbell curl. Its a basic movement which working the biceps and fore arms. Grab a barbell with an underhand grip, Stand with your feet and shoulders apart, Let the barbell hang in front of you at arms length. Make sure to only move your forearm back and forward.

is there a dumbbell workout for beginners?

The size beginners should use are the ones you feel comfortable to do at least 12 bicep curls/overhead presses with, and a dumbbell workout will help workout the biceps and triceps, but it can influence other parts as well. You can find some dumbbell workouts at

Can i do bicep curls everyday if i only do 2 sets of 20?

40 reps is quite a lot for your biceps, especially if the weight is at all heavy. You may want to increase the weight and reduce the number of repetitions. Anyways, if you really feel alright after doing that routine by the next day, sure, keep going. But if your workout is intense enough (as it should be) you probably won't be able to do curls every day without encountering a lot of soreness.

What is a torn bicep muscle?

A torn bicep muscle can usually occur when your bicep muscle is fully extended and under too much pressure. Weight lifters often get a torn bicep muscle when doing the preacher curl. The preacher curl can really strain the bicep muscle, and lead to a torn bicep muscle if you are lifting to much weight or have not warmed up correctly. Your bicep is a muscle on your arm. it is the muscle that you usually flex when trying to show off your srength. Most torn bicep muscle injuries occur when the arm is fully extended and the lifter is just about to pull the weight back up. When you get a torn bicep muscle you will feel an immediate sharp pain in your bicep near your elbow, followed by bicep muscle weakness and stiffness and eventaully bruising.

What joint action occurs when the biceps muscles contract concentrically?

The bicep muscle relaxes. It is vice-versa when the bicep muscle contracts.

Is a biceps an organ?

No, your bicep is a muscle.

What are some sentences for the word bicep?

My right bicep is aching.

What is the opposing muscle of the bicep?

bicep- it bends the arm while the triceps straighten the arm.

What body system does the bicep belong in?

The bicep is in the muscular body system.