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I have all three in that series. I am also looking for information ao the series.

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Q: Does anyone know anything about the Franklin Mint Limited Edition Collection - Legendary Unicorns of Love?
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Do rainbow have anything to do with unicorns?


Are unicorns mean?

Unicorns are totally fictitious and as such may be anything the writer wishes.

Are unicorns related to the devil?

Unicorns do not exist, hence they cannot be "related" to anything. Of course not.

What does unicorns have to do with anything?

Unicorns are a noble and hearty race. The word unicorns easy to say so if you are in a tough spot and hear the word often you may say it.

Are unicorns mad at normal horses?

Unicorns, being entirely fictional, are incapable of being mad at anything.

What does unicorns and glitter mean?

unicorns mean anything you want it to mean. It could mean pencils or really anything random that is on your mind. Glitter means something cool that you like to look at.

Are unicorns ravenous?

Typically, myths never seem to depict unicorns as eating anything or grazing very lightly, so I would be inclined to say, no.

Do unicorns mean anything?

yes they tipically stand for purity and loyalty and devotion

Are Unicorns tasty?

Taking into consideration that Unicorns aren't widely accepted as real in anything but the realm if fantasy, I'm going to go with no, they aren't tasty as they cannot be eaten.

What Pokémon can turn into legendary Pokémon and name all of the Pokémon that evolve into legendary Pokémon?

legendary Pokemon don't evolve into/from anything. Without GameShark,no Pokemon can evolve into a legendary.

What could ambush a family of unicorns?

Well, it depends on what kind of unicorns you're talking about. If it's the traditional Unicorns, probably a group of humans with guns, or a dragon, obviously. Anything with spears might have a chance. If you're talking about Fablehaven unicorns, than a hoard of demons or wizards. Though I hardly think they'd have a chance.

Are unicorns Greek or not?

Unicorns have no status in any of the Greek nor Roman times that I have seen nor heard of. Pegasus is the mythical creature of their creation, since the unicorn did not originate in Greece I doubt they had anything to do with it at all. Unicorns are widely known in the northern continents though =)