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Contact your local 4H club and let them know you have bantam roosters to give away and they will help you. You can also post a note at the local feed supplier.

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Q: Does anyone take Bantam Roosters Bantam roosters to give away?
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Is 4 roosters too many for 6 hens?

Better to say 4 roosters is too many for 4 roosters. The 6 hens can wait a bit and soon there will be one rooster a-go-go, one in the hereafter, one running away, and one squating on the ground. The hens could deal with 6 roosters, but the big boy a go-go won't stand for more than him with his flock. actually 1 rooster needs 5 hens to be satisfied other wise roosters will fight One rooster will service (fertilize the eggs of) up to 6 hens. If you have more than 6 hens, you will need another rooster. 4 roosters on 6 hens is not good. The roosters will fight and the hens will be exhausted running from all the roosters.

How is hen behavior different in a hen house compared to the ratio of roosters to hens?

if the majority is on the roosters,the rooster will fertilize the hen. and in some conditions, the rooster will peck the hens feathers of. the roosters wood constantly be guarding it from coyotes, minks, (ect..)the hens wood constantly try to get away. if the number of hens is less than five or in that area,the hen wood have a hard time laying eggs. more eggs will be layed if influenced by other hens. its tradition to put wooden eggs in the nesting boxes to influence them. on the other hand, if theres more hens then roosters, they will spend time with each one, and fertilizing the hens. its best to have only two roosters, along with two emergency roosters.

What is the purring noise that a rooster makes when the rooster is with a hen?

Roosters make this noise to calm and reassure the hen all is right with the flock. Roosters have many ways to communicate with the hens such as crowing, which is a call to other roosters to let them know he is guarding the flock or to let the hens who have wandered away from the flock to come back.

Can a rooster live without a hen?

Yes, a rooster can live alone but would rather be with a hen or two, but roosters can live without a hen, I have living proof of that in my lap. A bantam roo named Steve. He is unable to live wit hour other bantams on account that he fights with Jason, another rooster. Another standard rooster, Pepper lives alone, we had to give him away because he was mean and he lives alone. So yes roosters can live alone.

Why are roosters mean?

They are territorial. You've heard the phrase "Cock of the walk!" Some roosters are more aggressive than others. Also, humans can 'bring out' that aggressiveness in a formerly docile rooster, just by being scared of him, and running away, or by hurting him. Animals are not "mean" they do not attack or try to hurt someone to be "mean". As mentioned above, roosters are territorial. They have a job to do and that is to protect the hens. People tend to tease aggressive birds, making them appear to be mean but they are only reacting like they are supposed to.

Related questions

Can roosters keep away snakes?

a Mongoose is really good at keeping snakes away

Is 4 roosters too many for 6 hens?

Better to say 4 roosters is too many for 4 roosters. The 6 hens can wait a bit and soon there will be one rooster a-go-go, one in the hereafter, one running away, and one squating on the ground. The hens could deal with 6 roosters, but the big boy a go-go won't stand for more than him with his flock. actually 1 rooster needs 5 hens to be satisfied other wise roosters will fight One rooster will service (fertilize the eggs of) up to 6 hens. If you have more than 6 hens, you will need another rooster. 4 roosters on 6 hens is not good. The roosters will fight and the hens will be exhausted running from all the roosters.

How is hen behavior different in a hen house compared to the ratio of roosters to hens?

if the majority is on the roosters,the rooster will fertilize the hen. and in some conditions, the rooster will peck the hens feathers of. the roosters wood constantly be guarding it from coyotes, minks, (ect..)the hens wood constantly try to get away. if the number of hens is less than five or in that area,the hen wood have a hard time laying eggs. more eggs will be layed if influenced by other hens. its tradition to put wooden eggs in the nesting boxes to influence them. on the other hand, if theres more hens then roosters, they will spend time with each one, and fertilizing the hens. its best to have only two roosters, along with two emergency roosters.

What is the purring noise that a rooster makes when the rooster is with a hen?

Roosters make this noise to calm and reassure the hen all is right with the flock. Roosters have many ways to communicate with the hens such as crowing, which is a call to other roosters to let them know he is guarding the flock or to let the hens who have wandered away from the flock to come back.

What breed of chicken has quiet cockerels?

All roosters crow. There is no breed I am aware of that makes no noise. Crowing is a big part of the roosters job, he is the guardian of the flock and must keep the flock alert and danger away. This is done partly by crowing.

Why do young roosters try to eat and or attack your hands and feet?

They are just searching for food. When a hen pecks at your hands she is either trying to see if you have food or she is warning you to stay away. When a rooster pecks at you he is just curious since he would kick you if he was upset and attacking. When young roosters do this they are just following instict and protecting the flock. The roosters job is to keep the flock safe from predators and you appear to be a predator to the young cockerel. It is the way they warn you to keep away.

How would a rooster protect itself?

Roosters are able to protect themselves by using their talons, beaks, and maybe their wings. And running or flying away, of course.

Can a rooster live without a hen?

Yes, a rooster can live alone but would rather be with a hen or two, but roosters can live without a hen, I have living proof of that in my lap. A bantam roo named Steve. He is unable to live wit hour other bantams on account that he fights with Jason, another rooster. Another standard rooster, Pepper lives alone, we had to give him away because he was mean and he lives alone. So yes roosters can live alone.

What is it that seems to chase the ghost away in hamlet?

A cock (rooster) crowing. Roosters are, of course, supposed to crow at dawn, and the ghost says he must return to Purgatory before then.

What is taking away your roosters?

The rooster is the defender of the flock. It is his job to warn and protect the hens and he will advance on any predator threatening the flocks safety. While he deals with the "threat" the hens have time to get away to safety and it is usually the rooster who does not survive. Without knowing where you live it is difficult to tell you what might be killing your roosters....It could be cats, dogs, weasels, fox, coyotes or any number of raptors like hawks or owls. It may even be your hungry next door neighbor. Have you been smelling BBQ lately?

Why are roosters mean?

They are territorial. You've heard the phrase "Cock of the walk!" Some roosters are more aggressive than others. Also, humans can 'bring out' that aggressiveness in a formerly docile rooster, just by being scared of him, and running away, or by hurting him. Animals are not "mean" they do not attack or try to hurt someone to be "mean". As mentioned above, roosters are territorial. They have a job to do and that is to protect the hens. People tend to tease aggressive birds, making them appear to be mean but they are only reacting like they are supposed to.

How is rooster production controlled?

Rooster production it basically hit and miss. There is no way to control what you get from the hatch. It has been suggested that higher incubation temperatures increase Rooster production however it also reduces hatch totals. Male /female ratios of a hatch are usually 50%. Roosters hatched in single purpose layer hatcheries were often culled right away. As there is little or no difference in the meat value of cockerels verses pullet the roosters are now raised to meat size and used for broilers.