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yah why not. kate is so dramatic she would get the part

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Q: Does anyone think the Gosselins can all try out for Eclipse?
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Does the gosselins have good friends?

i think the gosselins do have good friends. especially Beth Carson who would take in all 6 of the little kids at once. she would even take mady and cara too

Pictures of all the homes the Gosselins homes?

Pictures of the Gosselins home can be found on their now defunct reality show. The show has video of the inside and outside of their home.

Why are the Gosselins so skinny?

All that exercising and organic food,lol

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No. They are all birth siblings.

How does a lunar eclipse work?

I think that only solar eclipses are mapped, because only a relatively narrow strip of the earth's surface falls within the moon's shadow during a solar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, however, anyone on the half of the earth that's facing the moon sees the same eclipse, just at different elevations. ______________________________ The NASA Eclipse web site (linked below) will allow you to see the schedule of all eclipses from 2000 BCE to 3000 AD. This will allow you to see if a particular eclipse is visible from your location.

Does the Gosselins have any friends or family in Oklahoma?

The bulk of Jon and Kate Gosselins family and friends live in the Pennsylvania and mid-Atlantic states. Jon and Kates siblings all live in the Pennsylvania area. But, all of the Gosselins have traveled a lot for their jobs... they might have made friends that live in Oklahoma. ... but that is private information.

Does Jacob do stuff with Bella?

Well in Eclipse he kisses. I think that is all for as far as I know.

How does a lunar eclipse map work?

I think that only solar eclipses are mapped, because only a relatively narrow strip of the earth's surface falls within the moon's shadow during a solar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, however, anyone on the half of the earth that's facing the moon sees the same eclipse, just at different elevations. ______________________________ The NASA Eclipse web site (linked below) will allow you to see the schedule of all eclipses from 2000 BCE to 3000 AD. This will allow you to see if a particular eclipse is visible from your location.

Do the gosselins need a baby sitter?

I think that at least one of them should get a job and if they have to, get a babysitter. Neither of them have jobs. They earn all their money from the tv show. But if Jon and Kate are at home then I think they will not need a babysitter. Then once you think about their divorce, you never know for sure.

What is Jon and Kate Gosselins MySpace?

Currently the Gosselin's website is down. There is no information on why it is down or when it will be back up. In the meantime, check out the TLC site for information on the Gosselins. The name of the official Jon and Kate Gosselin website is "The Gosselin 10." TLC also hosts a website about the family. All Myspace, facebook, twitter and other social networking sites claiming to be "from the Gosselins" have all been proven to be fraudulent.

How does a lunar eclipse effect animals?

Animals located near the center of a solar eclipse may think that night is coming,and may assume their sleeping positions temporarily.There is no evidence that a lunar eclipse has any effect at all on people or animals.

What is the best twilight?

In my words i think that the best book is Eclipse and i have read all of them but Breaking Dawn is more intense