

Does anything eat the allosaurus

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No, allosaurus was the top predatore of its age.

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Q: Does anything eat the allosaurus
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The Allosaurus used its teeth and claws to eat.

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Other, smaller dinosaurs.

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Did the allosaurus eat carnivores?

The majority of an Allosaurus's diet would have been herbivorous dinosaurs. However, smaller carnivores such as Ornitholestes or even possibly small Ceratosaurus could have been on the menu for Allosaurus on occasion. They may have even cannibalized smaller Allosaurus at times.

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allosaurus. due to its size rugops would have a hard time battling its large enemy unless rugops was in a group. rugops had small slicing teeth used to eat meat and grip on prey, not designed for chomping prey and allosaurus had a weak bite force but with sharper teeth so allosaurus would win. allosaurus lived during the jurassic and rugops lived during the late cretaceous

Why was Australian allosaurus smaller than American allosaurus?

The Australian Allosaurus wasn't actually an Allosaurus, even though it was closely related to them. Its actual name is Australovenator. Since they were a different species, there isn't anything strange about the fact that it was a different size. Australovenator was 20 feet long, 6.6 feet tall at the hip, and weighed about 1,000 to 2,000 lb.

What is the allosaurus' scientific name?

There is one accepted species in the Allosaurus genus. Its full Latin (or scientific) name is Allosaurus fragilis.

How many horn does allosaurus have?

Allosaurus did not have horns.

Why did Brontosaurus get attacked by Allosaurus?

allosaurus is hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did allosaurus eat ceratosaurus?

Allosaurus was dominant over Ceratosaurus, but Ceratosaurus would not be usual prey for Allosaurus. Carnivore almost never prey on other carnivores. It is possible though on rare occasions Allosaurus may hunt and kill a Ceratosaurus for food.