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Q: Does apocrine sweat have any odor?
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What is the gland that produces natural body odor?

Apocrine sweat glands

What are the similarities and differences between apocrine sweat glands and eccrine sweat glands?

Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands are both referred to as sudoriferous glands. The eccrine glands are found all over the body and function throughout your life. Apocrine glands develop during puberty and are most active throughout adulthood and are located in the armpits, areolar, genital, and anal areas. They are also the ones responsible for what we refer to as body odor. It is not the sweat that actually has to odor, but the bacteria that it attracts excretes its wastes as it digests the sweat. It is the bacteria's waste products that actually have the odor. So, you could say, you do not have body odor. Instead, you have bacteria odor.

What are the sweat glands that are found primarily in the skin of the axilla?

Both endocrine and apocrine sweat glands are found in the armpit. Apocrine sweat glands are found almost everywhere, while endocrine glands are found in the genetial region and the auxillary region.

What sweat gland gives off Odor?

The apocrine glands ducts terminate into hair follicles. They respond to stress / emotions. They produce an odor caused by bacterial decomposition. They don't begin to function until puberty and continue through life.They are found in the armpits and groin. They produce sweat plus oil and cellular debris.

Why do you smell more from perspiration?

Due to fatty compounds presence within the sweat coming from the apocrine gland, bacteria metabolize it to produce various compounds which produce the known sweat odor.

What race sweats the least?

Asians have fewer apocrine sweat glands than other races, which is why scientist believe they tend to be less prone to body odor.

What gland is responsible for body odor?

Apocrine Glands

What is an apocrine gland?

Apocrine sweat glands are inactive until they are stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty. Apocrine sweat glands are mainly thought to function as olfactory pheromones, chemicals important in attracting a potential mate. The stimulus for the secretion of apocrine sweat glands is adrenaline, which is a hormone carried in the blood.According to another suggestion, apocrine sweat glands were developed in the earliest period of human evolution via natural selection as a means of defence from predators as a warning signal, and that is why these glands are activated in the moments of emotional or physical stress.

Which sudoriferous glands are larger and are found in the axillae and around the genitals?

Apocrine (sweat glands are apocrine glands!/in axillary and genital areas)

Deodorants are used to mask the odor of what secretions?

Apocrine glands

Which type of gland opens into hair follicles and secretes sweat after puberty?

The type of gland that opens into hair follicles and secretes sweat after puberty is called the apocrine gland. These glands are found predominantly in the armpits and pubic region and produce a thicker, more odorous sweat compared to the eccrine sweat glands found throughout the body. Apocrine glands are influenced by hormonal changes that occur during puberty, leading to increased sweating and body odor.

What is the Gland found in underarm or groin?

apocrine (sweat) glands