

Does apple have a long or short a?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Does apple have a long or short a?
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Does the word apple have a short a or long a?

"Apple" has a short "a" sound.

Does apple have a long or short vowel sound?

Apple has a short vowel (a). A long "A" would be as in acorn.

Is apple a short or long vowel?

Apple has a short "a" and a schwa sound.

Does 'at' have a long or short a?

The A has a short A sound, as in act, as, and apple.

Is it short or long a in apple?

Answer is:short a

Is Make a short or long vowel?

If you mean the a in make, it is a long vowel. An example of a short a would be apple.

Does apple have a long A?

No. The A has a short A sound, as in cap and snap.

What are the long and short a sounds?

The long A has the sound of the letter A (ay) as in day. The short A has the "ah" sound as in apple and cat.

Is at a long or short a sound?

The word AT is pronounced with a short vowel sound, like the a in apple.

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No. The A has a short A sound, as in apple, which is slightly different from the short A in "cab."

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No it doesn't. Apple has a short a sound and thankful has a long a sound.

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