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Not necessarily. They may taste the same if from the same area.

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Q: Does artesian water taste different than well water?
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Is artesian well water better than other well water?

Artesian water is usually cleaner than other well water

Does Poland spring water taste different than Deerpark water?

All waters taste different because of the filtering process they put their water through. Many have natural flavors added to them for a crisp clean taste.

How can I know where to find an artesian well?

It's where the water table is higher than the well opening.

Does Evian Water Taste Different Than Regular Water?

I think it does. I think it tastes better honestly. I know water doesn't really have a taste but Evian sure does seem smoother... if that makes any sense.

Can you use milk instead of water for gingerbread cake mix?

No, because milk is a different substance than water and there will be a waaayyy different taste than with water.

What is the name of a point on the earths surface at which underground water emerges?

It could be a spring or artesian well, from which water flows. Or a well in which water seeps rather than flows.

Why do artesian aquifers contain water under pressure?

Because the area of recharge is usually at a higher elevation than the rest of an aquifer....

Why do people wear such ugly costumes?

well they are not nesisarily ugly they just might have different taste than you but they are not ugly they probly have different taste so in the future just don't call someone's costume ugly they have different taste than you remwmber forever.

Do dogs have different taste buds than humans?


Do you need more than one sense to taste?

no. Well the taste buds will detect 4 different 'tastes': sweet, sour, salt, and bitter. But, the sense of smell will add to the experience known as 'taste'. If you have a cold, and your nose is stopped up, things taste different than 'normal'.

What does boiled water taste like?

It actually appears to taste better than cold water straight from the tap... Boiling drives off most chemical additives such as chlorine or fluoride. Pure water has no taste or smell.

Why does distilled water have a flat taste?

Distilled water has that "flat" taste becaus it is wayyyyy more acidic than regular purified water...really..distilled water is less healthy for you that pure water.