

Does asteroids orbit around the sun?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, they does.

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Q: Does asteroids orbit around the sun?
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What do asteroids do around the sun and planets?


What is the sun and the object that orbits around it?

The sun is a star and planets and asteroids orbit it.

Does a asteroid orbit the sun?

Yes. Asteroids orbit the sun.

What is true about asteroids?

Asteroids orbit the Sun, and some of them can cross the Earth's orbit.

Which objects in the solar system orbit directly around the sun and which don't?

The planets,asteroids,and comets. There is nothing that doesn't orbit the sun.

Does the suns gravity cause asteroids to move?

The sun's gravity doesn't necessarily cause the asteroids to move, however it does cause the asteroids to move the way that they do move. For example, let's take away the sun. Any asteroids around the sun would continue to move at the same rate that is was moving prior to the sun being taken away. However, instead of following an elliptical orbit around the sun, the asteroid would move in a straight line instead. So the asteroids can still move without the sun. However, it is the sun that makes the asteroids orbit around the sun. The orbit's tendency to want to move away in a straight line counteracts the gravity created by the sun. The results of these two forces is what causes the asteroids elliptical orbit.

Do comets orbit asteroids?

No. Comets orbit the sun.

How are asteroids and comets the same?

They both orbit the sun.

What does an asteroid orbit around?

The asteroid belt is a doughnut-shaped concentration of asteroids orbiting the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, closer to the orbit of Mars. Most asteroids orbit from between 186 million to 370 million miles (300 million to 600 million km or 2 to 4 AU) from the Sun. The asteroids in the asteroid belt have a slightly elliptical orbit. The time for one revolution around the Sun varies from about three to six Earth years.

Do moons and asteroids orbit the sun?

Asteroids orbit the sun. Moons orbit planets and planets orbit the sun. So you could say the moons orbit the sun. However, moons are kept in their orbits by the gravity of their planet and planets are kept in orbit by the gravity of the sun. So in that sense, moons do not orbit the sun.

Where do comets and asteroids go?

Most "asteroids" are in orbit around the Sun, unless disturbed by gravity or collisions. Comets may orbit the Sun regularly, or be drawn in from the outer solar system and pass by the Sun on their way back out (hyperbolic comets).

What does the sun's gravitational pull keep in orbit?

Planets, asteroids, meteors, comets, moons (which are also in orbit around their respective planets), dust particles, interplanetary gas.