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Q: Does atrial fibrillation cause blurred vision?
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Is atrial fibrillation cause of disability?

yes,it is. lots have said no but yes.

What kind of cancer would cause headaches and blurred vision?

Pituitary gland cancer can cause headaches and blurred vision.

Can coughing cause atrial fibrillation?

I asked you this question.Does anyone,including cardiologists even know?

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Can eye dilation drops cause atrial fibrillation?

The amount of atropine in these eyedrops is insufficient to cause atrial fib. Many medications actually contain trace amounts of atropine to discourage abuse.

Can Q fever cause atrial fibrillation?

Yes, it could. It would be seen in the chronic form of Q fever.

What is the prognosis for patients with atrial fibrillation and flutter?

these arrhythmias can cause a blood clot to form in the heart. This can lead to a stroke or a blockage carried by the blood flow (an embolism ) anywhere in the body's arteries. Atrial fibrillation is responsible for about 15% of strokes

what is treatment for atrial fibrillation and where can I learn more about it?

It is easy, leave the above things, as it's a precipitating cause of your atrial fibrillation. Next you can use a calcium channel blocker, or in extreme cases a ICD is implanted. Talk it out with your doctor, may be he will run a couple of tests.

Can Axe deodorant in the eye cause blurred vision?


Why astigmatism cause objects to appear blurry?

An astigmatism means that the shape of the optics cause the focus to be a line rather than a point (the lenses are not spherical). Thus the image produced by these lenses is imperfect, causing a blurred image/vision.

Can sotalol cause blurred vision?

One of the common causes of Sotalol is blurred vision. It is an oral medication is used to control rapid heartbeat and abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia.