

Best Answer
Yes. According to the highly respected Cleveland Clinic:
  • Protect your eyes from dirt and other irritating substances.
  • Remove contact lenses, if you wear them.
  • Place cold compresses on your eyes.
  • Wash your face and eyelids with mild soap or baby shampoo and rinse with water to remove irritating substances.

Non-prescription "artificial tears," a type of eye drops, may help relieve itching and burning from irritating substances. (Note: Other types of eye drops may irritate the eyes and should not be used.) Do not use the same bottle of drops in the other eye if it is not infected.


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Q: Does baby shampoo help pink eye?
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What do you do when a baby has shampoo in her eyes?

Gently wash the baby's eye out with cool water, and try to get her to blink a few times. Hope this helped! If shampoo is still not out, then continuously wash her eye and make her blink :)

Does Tobramycin 0.3 Eye Drop get rid of pink eye?

yes, I have used it for pink eye and it worked. It only works for pink eye caused by bacteria though. It does not treat viral pink eye.

Home remedies for pink eye?

washing your eye with baby soap, or putting chamomele tea bags on your eyes and letting the tea drip into your eyes

Where can I find out about pink eye treatments?

Calling your local veterinarian can give you insight into your pet hamsters Pink eye. If they ate unable to help, they can suggest where you would be able to receive help and advice.

Can you use baby shampoo for eye care. I have heard of some GP's recommending JJ's No More Tears shampoo for eye care. Is this best practice?

It is not advisable to use anything other than Optometrist or Doctor recommended products in your eyes.

Can Clear eyes eye drop help heal a pink eye infection?

No, Clear eyes will only relieve the symptoms but the infection will persist. Pink eye is a bacterial infection- You need an antibiotic

Where can you buy something that stops shampoo going into kids eyes?

it is not the shampoo that goes into the kids eye it is how they use it ... maybe the kid put his hand on his/her eye so that's how the shampoo entered in his eye ... or when he/she was removing the shampoo by water it slide and went into there eyes, so the best thing is making them close there eye when they have shampoo on the hair.

How to deal with pink eye?

get pink eye drops

What are the bad effects of shampoo?

shampoo going in your eye and much more...

Got Pink Eye Go to the Doctor!?

Pink eye is an infection of the protective membranes around the eye and is also known as conjunctivitis. This infection is fairly common, especially among children, and is legendary for spreading through classrooms and daycare centers like wildfire. The main symptoms of pink eye are red, irritated eyes that may be itchy, swollen or draining fluid. Sometimes people with pink eye become sensitive to light or feel like they�ve got something in their eye. If you or your child has pink eye, go to a doctor or to a clinic. Pink eye is not usually harmful, but it does need to be diagnosed properly.Types of pink eyePink eye is most often caused by a virus or bacteria, but it can also be the result of by chemical exposure, smoke or allergies.Viral pink eye is highly contagious. Patients with viral pink eye need to stay home from school or work until their symptoms begin to clear up - usually within three to five days after the initial outbreak. Viral pink eye doesn't respond to antibiotics, but over the counter antihistamine medicines like Benadryl can help with inflammation. Warm compresses and gently rinsing the (closed) eye with baby shampoo or a mild cleanser can also speed healing.Bacterial pink eye is less contagious and can be treated with antibiotic drops. People with bacterial pink eye can go back to work or school within 24 hours of beginning antibiotics and can expect the symptoms to clear up in a few days.The treatment for pink eye caused by smoke, allergies or chemicals depends on the agent causing the inflammation.What to do if you have pink eyeAfter going to the doctor, you should get plenty of rest and wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading the problem to others. If you just have pink eye in one eye, be careful not to spread it to the healthy eye with your fingers. Give your contacts a rest until the redness is gone. Don't share towels with anyone and toss out any eye makeup you were using when the infection started.Warm compresses or teabags (black or chamomile) are the most common home treatment for pink eye because they are soothing and can loosen the gunk draining from the afflicted eye. Pink eye isn't usually painful but it can be itchy. Itching eyes with pink eye just makes the problem worse, so try not to itch and try to keep kids with pink eye from itching.

What is the common name for conjunctives?

pink eye

Can you get pink eye from cheese?

No. You can only get pink eye but touching your eye with dirty hands.