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Q: Does bad credit affect us citizenship application?
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Related questions

Where can someone fill out an online credit card application for bad credit?

One can fill out an online credit card application for bad credit at DKB Germany website, Credit Net website and Loans for Poor Credit. Other good places are Barclay Card and Personal Loans for Bad Credit.

Will bad credit rating of your spouse affect your qualification for a mortgage?

Not if you don't use your spouse on the application as a co applicant or "additional income". If you don't need their income, then leave them off and no, it should not affect.

Will an employee's bad credit affect whether they can get a company credit card?


Can you get us passport if have bad credit?

Normally Yes; your credit rating does not affect a passport application. Where you may have aproblem is that if you have any court judgments waiting and you may be considered a 'flight risk' (you might try and run away/leave the country) they court may put a stop on any application you make.

Does your bad credit rating affect your children if they live at the same address?

no it does not affect your children's credit rating. credit score is based on how an individual uses credit, not on how other people uses credit. what possibly may happen is children may learn thier parent's bad credit habits. if a consumer needs a co-signer (parent) then if the parent has a bad credit rating that will affect the loan

Does having bad credit affect your APR for a new car or home?

Bad credit will affect your APR on any new loan. Most banks use a tiered credit system to determine APR.

What happens when you miss a couple of questions in a job application will it affect you?

Missing questions on an application, and bad spelling, is likely to affect your job prospect.

How bad does a car repossession affect your credit report?

A Lot.

How bad does it affect the cosigner's credit if the borrower has the car voluntarily repossessed?

It has the same effect on the credit.

Will a caution affect your application for Australian residency?

I don't think a caution would affect your application too much, of course it depends on how bad the offense was.

Will Bad Credit Score Disqualify My Loan Application?

Your credit score is an essential part of a successful application. SBA expert will assess your credit history with you to assess any mitigating situations related to derogatory reports.

How long does bad credit affect your credit score?

as long as your credit file contains negative information it will always impact your credit score