

Does bees dance to talk

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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In a way, yes. The bees use what we call the 'waggle dance' as a means of communication.

When a bee returns to the hive after having found a new source of nectar she will go on to the comb then walk around in a 'figure-of-eight' path. Each time she goes through the centre part of this path she will pause and vibrate her abdomen. She will also give samples of the nectar to surrounding bees. The angle of the bee's body in relation to the vertical is the same as the angle to the nectar source from the hive relative to the sun, and the duration of the waggle is proportional to the distance from the hive. The samples of nectar tell the other bees what the flowers are.

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bees do dance but in a figurative 8 for it bee mates to to recenize that the bees must go back to the hive

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no Yes, but not with speech. For example, honey bees do an elaborate dance to communicate where the best flowers for pollen are located to their hivemates.

Why do insects do the waggle dance?

The 'waggle dance' is a series of movements made by honey bees inside the colony to indicate to the other bees where a source of pollen or nectar has been found. The 'dance' tells the bees how far from the colony and the direction in relation to the sun.

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Returning bees do a dance which shows the direction to go.

What is the purpose of the bee dance?

Some bees dance when they find food to let other bees know where the food is located

How do the other worker bees know the flowers are?

Returning bees do a dance which shows the direction to go.

Does a bee dance for its friends?

You are seriously 'anthropomorphizing' the little critters (interpreting their behavior as if you are observing people), but bees do 'dance' in a way. The movements are to inform other bees about the location of a near-by food source. The other bees get the message and are then able to locate the food source. Their movements have nothing to do with dance as we think of it. It's all about survival of the nest, and even that is not a conscious thought on the part of bees.