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Q: Does being a fan of the former boyband NSYNC make you gay?
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Are the guys from one direction brothers?

No. They never met each other until auditioning for The X-Factor. In the show, all five boys were told they'd be cut unless they joined to make a boyband. Also, you can tell they aren't related because 2 of them are Irish, the others are brits.

Are the one direction guys brothers?

No. They never met each other until auditioning for The X-Factor. In the show, all five boys were told they'd be cut unless they joined to make a boyband. Also, you can tell they aren't related because 2 of them are Irish, the others are brits.

In Bizet's Dream What is Bizet's dream?

To make wonderful music while living happily ever aftr with his wife. He did the former and failed at the latter.

Is it hard being a comedian?

It is becasue you have to make the ppl in the crowd laugh

Percussion instruments make their sound by being?

Percussion instruments produce sound by being struck, either with sticks or mallets or by being hit against one another (i.e. cymbals).

Related questions

How much money did NSYNC make?

nsync made abot 66666666666666.0000000000 trillion dollars

What song does eBay by Weird AL make fun of?

"That Way" or something by Nsync or however you spell their name.

What word can you make out of former?

The anagram for the word 'former' is reform.

What word can make out of former?

The anagram for the word 'former' is reform.

What does the speaker of When you two parted feel bitter toward his former lover?

The speaker in "When You Are Old" feels bitter toward his former lover because she rejected his love and chose someone else over him. He regrets not being able to make her see his true feelings and feels resentment for not being chosen.

Does 1d stink?

1D (abbreviation for One Direction) is a British-Irish boyband who consists of 5 members, Liam James Payne, Zayn Javadd Malik, Niall James Horan, Louis William Tomlinson and Harold Edward Styles. In a particular reason, One Direction doesn't stink. One Direction is a great boyband in which I wrote this to make my daughter happy. Thank you.

Why was freedmen's bureau established?

to help former slaves make the change to freedom...

Why did Wayne Gretzky move to US?

He was being "shopped" to U.S. teams. He brought two of his teammates with him and agreed to make the trade because his former team wanted to move him anyways.

Former customers are important resources because?

Former customers are important resources. They will tell if your service is a quality service or if it is not. You want former customers to make positive referrals.

How can one make contact online with their former acquaintances?

One can make contact online with former acquaintances through the use of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, one can use Skype to video call former acquaintances.

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What kind of timber would be best suited to make a mold for use in a vacuum former?

what kind of timber would be best suited to make a mould for use ina a vacuum former