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No it does not, you will like the same people whether or not you have bipolar. Imagine someone you love no matter what (family member, friend etc), you know that you will like that person ''no matter what''. The same goes for you, bipolar will not change this change you like. However that's not to say you will always like the same type of people, as you go through life what you like in a person can change. This is a normal.

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can it? yes, dramatically.

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Yes, when someone is in the depressed phase of Bipolar Disorder it can make the depression worse. When someone is in the manic phase it can lead to them being more impulsive and lead to taking greater risks than either alcohol alone, or mania alone. Also alcohol can interact with many of the medications used to treat Bipolar illness adversely. It should also be noted that people with Bipolar disorder will often self medicate with alcohol and other non-prescribed drugs when not adequately being treated. The degree of ones Bipolar illness will also be a determining factor in how much alcohol will affect one with Bipolar Disorder.

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