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There are different schools of thought about this. My understanding as a Baha'i is that these two don't conflict. There is more than sufficient evidence that all life on earth has evolved since its beginning. What once was the mastadon is now the elephant. The human appendix has long since lost whatever purpose it might have had. Where science and religion must eventually come to agreement is on the "theory" (which is all that it is) that man evolved from the ape. In The Bible's Genesis, humans were told to have dominance over all animals. How could man have dominated the ape if he came from the ape? Baha'i scripture says that man, in whatever form in the past, has always been in the "image of God." This means that man alone is a spiritual being, having knowledge of his creation (and his Creator) and of the destiny of his eternal soul.

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Q: Does belief in the principle of evolution exclude belief in religion?
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