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Yes. Bigfoot is known to thow rocks. Other primates do that as well. It could be a sign of communication or just trying to scare you off because you are to close for comfort.

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Q: Does bigfoot throw rocks
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Can there be other explanations to this mystery for example is bigfoot just a bear?

The people who claim to have had close encounters with Bigfoot say that there is no way this creature could be a bear. Bears can walk on the hind legs, but they are not bipedel. Bigfoot is bipedel (walks upright). Bears don't throw rocks; Bigfoot does. Throwing stones is a characteristic of primates.

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How do you get bigfoot to move?

Throw meat or something, but to warn you all, I think it's probably someone in a furry suit.

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Cars are non living things. They can not throw rocks.

Why did the Yokuts believe in Bigfoot?

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What to do when confronted with a coyote?

Throw rocks and make loud noises.

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Why don't you find out? Get a rock throw it at your wall, get a plate and throw it at your wall. See the difference!