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I think he doesn't.Bad for us.:( I think he doesn't.Bad for us.:( who asked this question why would a hairy ape man want to help us or maybe he is the bringer of the apocalypse. you can never no .......$$..................... †.........................$$.. .

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Q: Does bigfoot want to help us?
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Related questions

What does bigfoot want?

He wants us to leave him alone.

Does bigfoot has any preditors?

yeah us dummy

Who is bigfoot realted to?

Well Bigfoot is really related to us humans and apes/gorilla's. Big foot is not necessarily real as there is no evidence on if they are or not. However Bigfoot/Sasquatch/yeti (it is mostly described as Bigfoot) has been seen so much that many believe that they are real! If you want to see the 911 calls on sitings of big foot or the real videos of them just go on to you tube. P.S Not all of them are real!

Has there been a Bigfoot sighting in Maryland?

I posted a link you might want to read in the related links box below. It has the Maryland bigfoot sightings and history.

Why does Obama not want to help us?

He does, and he will

Does bigfoot eat?

Well of corse bigfoot eats, cos they are like us. we eat dont we! P.S. Big foot is really one of us but is heary and is about 7 to 10 foot high)

What does bigfoot do for a living?

Sightings dont give us details about their way of life. We know that they feed and remain elusive. Around that, days go by to the bigfoot.

How many Bigfoot videos are there in the US?

There are thousands of sightings and hundreds of videos

SasQuatch Oregon US?

Yes, Oregon has many sightings of bigfoot.

When did bigfoot decide to show himself to the public?

he did not want to show him self we found him.

How does bigfoot walk?

There was a video of Bigfoot running 7mph. Who the heck has gotten a video of bigfoot running? If he did then we know that he is actually real. Why don't we have any evidence. Some people are real idiots. Why do you care how fast bigfoot runs?

Does a chupacabra still live in Mexico?

As much as bigfoot still lives in the US.