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Not Really But if a Plan B pill is taken within i belive 48 hr youll be fine

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Q: Does birth control prevent pregnancy when he finishes inside?
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What can you drink to prevent pregnancy after he has ejaculated inside?

Bleach usually works.

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Get her spayed, or keep her inside, and away from male dogs.

Can a man release inside a women if shes on birth conttol?

Yes. Birth control pills are about 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. So he can ejaculate inside of you, but keep in mind that there is still a 2% risk of pregnancy.

You started birth control 10 days after your period and a week after your bf ejaculated inside you are you safe from pregnancy?

No. You need to start birth control BEFORE you have sex for it to be effective.

Can you get pregnant in 5 minutes?

It takes a few days to get pregnant but if you mean that he is inside of you, then yes there is a risk. You can use the morning after pill for 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy.

How do you control epidemic?

by washing your hands straight after you sneeze to prevent spread, vaccinations, stay inside and ovoid contact with others with the illness.

Can you get pregnant while intoxicated eventhough a condom was used?

Being drunk, high or on medication apart from birth control, will not prevent pregnancy. if the condom was used correctly you should not be pregnant. However, the problem with being drunk is that you don't really have control and you then have to rely on the guy that he used it correctly, did not get any ejaculate or pre-ejaculate on his fingers before or after and it ended up inside your vagina.

What should you do if your boyfriend had a threesome and came inside both girls?

Hope they were using birth control or figure they've got potential pregnancy problems.

Can douching with vinegar stop a pregnancy not prevent it but stop it in it's track?

No. Vinegar will not make you abort and douching will not do it either. If you are pregnant the uterus is closed so nothing goes inside.

If you used water instead of urine on a pregnancy test what would happen?

Nothing. The pregnancy test uses your hormones inside your urine to predict pregnancy. If this hcg hormone is not present, the test will not show you a positive result. The only thing you would see would be the "control line".

Can you prevent pregnancy if you shower afterwards?

No. If you want to do sex but don't want to do parenting get contraceptives and learn to use them right. Showering isn't gonna cut it, even if you shove the shower head inside you.

The condom broke after he came inside you possibiltys of pregnancy?

Better get a pregnancy test and pray!