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No, it has no effect on them. That is an old wives tale.

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Q: Does biting your tongue get rid of wasps?
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How do you get a bruised tongue?

from biting it

Your husband died of a massive heart attack and he kept biting his tongue which also appeared enlarged why?

The enlarged tongue was most likely because he kept biting his tongue. He might have been biting his tongue because he was nervous all of the time.

Why are you biting your tongue often?

* your mom did...

Who died biting his tongue?

It was Allen Pinkerton

How do you stop biting your tongue at night?

What can be done to stop biting a tongue in a persons sleep will depend on the reason for biting the tongue. If it is because of seizures, medications will need to be taken. Bruxism is another causes and a dental plate can be made to stop the tongue biting. Other disorders may be the issue and might need addressed. Talk to a doctor to find the actual cause of the tongue biting.

What is the Hard lump after biting your tongue?

When you bite your tongue with enough force it gives you the AIDZ.

How do you get rid of wasps in your upstairs bathroom?

spray them with water

Do mouth guards for tongue biting stop snoring?

No they don't

Does a wasp have a tongue?

Yes, wasps do have a tongue. However, it is very tiny. Their jaws, on the other hand, are very large and strong!

How do you get rid of gall wasps?

The best way it get rid of gal wasps is to spray areas where they are known to exist with pesticide. Sticky traps can also help trap the adults and thus prevent them from breeding.

How do you get rid of nail biting?

There is a liquid like nail polish that prevents you from biting them because it tastes terrible

Why are mouth guards used?

To protect your teeth and prevent you from biting your tongue.