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no. egg is good for all hair types

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Q: Does blonde hair go green when egg goes on it?
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If black hair is dominiant why blonde hair still exist?

Ressesive genes my friend. Two ressesives make blonde, while you can still get black while have a dominat and a ressesive. Therefore the gene is still carried on from the random selection of DNA during mitosis in the egg or sperm cell.

How does a chao get reborn?

it goes into a pink cacoon and goes back into an egg it goes into a pink cacoon and goes back into an egg

Is egg good for hair?

Yes, whole egg is a natural protein-based conditioner which is excellent for the hair.

Brown egg rooster crossed with green egg hen?

first of all, find out what the dominant trait is, green or brown egg, and it is the dominant one.

Why does egg yolk get mixed in with the egg white when an egg goes rotten?

a piece of #$*&

What are the adaptations of the ciliated cell in the oviduct?

Cilia are hair that act like little fans or propellers. They move fluid and create a current. The egg goes with the flow

Will a green egg produce a green egg laying chicken?

Yes. There is some chance of a throwback gene in the chick produced but in general, if the egg the chick hatches from is green/blue and the rooster who fertilized the egg is of the same genetic lines then very likely the resulting hen will go on to produce green eggs.

What goes up as it comes down?

An Egg!

Is it ok to have weekly egg massage for hair?

Yes it is could for the hair.

For how long the will the egg remain fertilized?

Once the egg is fertilized it remains fertilized until the egg is eaten, incubated or goes rotten and decays. It never goes back to being an unfertilized egg.

What lays a green egg?

An emu.

Can you put egg in to make it grow?

Raw egg is used as a conditioning treatment when applied to the hair. It will not make the hair grow any faster.